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They are implied to be humans but feel free to envision them as whatever.

TW/CW - Mentions of major character death and Nightmare just being a stinky hoe bag (although Blue isn't exactly innocent either)


It was at times like these that made Blue think that everything was okay. That everything made sense and was normal again.

It was just him and the guardian, sitting on the couch. He was on the guardian's lap, arms wrapped around his waist. There wasn't any noise, no TV, no Ink. Just them.

It was so nice. No words were ever needed, just being able to hear the other's breath was enough. Being able to listen to their heartbeats slowly sync up was enough.

But this...?

It wasn't the same. The guardian was too big to be his guardian, his hands were bigger than his guardian's, his touch was too gentle, too conniving for Blue to ever relax. His wasn't the house they shared, and the outfit he was clinging onto for dead life wasn't anything his guardian had ever owned.

This guardian- No. That bastard didn't deserve that title, not anymore. Not after all the shit he had put Blue through.

The King reminded him of the guardian, yes. They had the same face, almost the same voice, same fighting styles. But that didn't matter. They loved differently. And it made Blue hurt. It made his everything hurt.

It wasn't fair. Why did everything he love always get taken away from him? What did he do to deserve this?

"You're a horrible person. Do you know that?" Blue asked, his head still resting on Nightmare's chest.

"You can come up with something more creative than that..." Nightmare murmured, "But you're not wrong."

"You killed him."

"I did do that, yes."

"I loved him."

"Everyone does."

"You don't get it." Blue tightened his grip on Nightmare's suit jacket, his teeth audibly grinding. "I loved him more than anyone in this goddamn Multiverse ever could, and you, you..."

Blue looked up at Nightmare. That bastard did not deserve to share the same face as his love. His light. His life.

"You took him away from me. You took him away from the world. You will pay for what you have done to him."

"Oh I'm sure, karma comes around eventually. But I do have a hard time believing you, considering you're sitting in my lap; canoodling."

"You're vile. Putrid. Horrible." Blue looked up at Nightmare, a permanent scowl situated on his face. "There are no words to describe my apprehension of you."

"Oh, I'm sure of that."

"I hate you."

"You hate me because I look like Dream, and you can't bear to be apart from him."

"I hate you. I really, really hate you."

Nightmare grabbed Blue's chin gently, just like all of his touches were. Blue didn't do anything to stop it, they both knew he wanted this. Nightmare leaned in close, his eyes narrowed, but still soft.

Blue could feel Nightmare's breath on his face, it was warm. It was warm and nice and he hated it.

Nightmare's smile turned twisted.

"Good." Was the final word Blue heard before his lips were smashed against Nightmare's.


First published fic of 2021, feels good man

This is definitely one of my favorites so far hehehehe


554 Words

Nightmare x Blue OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now