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"Well...It was terrifying. It was my first ever proper battle with Dream and Ink so I was already scared out of my mind. I mean, I had only ever fought the petty thief or stopped a mugging or two."

"So when I finally took my eyes off of Dream and looked at the set of people in front of me, I'm still surprised that I didn't burst into tears."

"There, of course, where the people Dream and Ink had told me about. But, I never expected them to look like that. One of them with no eyes, another with a full-on dent in his skull, the third and final one having erratic and murder-filled eyes. It was terrifying."

"But, there was one I wasn't prepared for. He was dressed in an all-black suit, with small, silver, crescent moons in the places of the buttons. He had no armor underneath, I could tell, and his hands were behind his back, resting right above his waist."

"That wasn't even the worst part either. He had a large grin plastered across his face, teeth bared, but not aggressively. He was trying to be intimidating. And it was working."

"His bright, light-piercing teal eyes slowly made their way over to me. We locked eyes and the entire world froze. My entire world froze. I couldn't think, couldn't move, couldn't get a word out. I didn't know what to do."

"I could've sworn that his smile got larger as he looked at me. As if scheming something nasty with me from inside his head. I didn't even notice that the other three members of his group had been signaled to attack, or that he had said, 'Get the other two. This one's mine.'"

"I tried to take a step back but he had already lunged at me, four, goopy, oozing tentacles had ripped right out of his back, dripping with who knows what."

"In no time at all, he had me pinned against the ground, two of his new appendages wrapped around my wrists tightly, keeping them down beside my head. He was sitting on my waist, knees pressed in on my sides to keep me from struggling."

"I wanted to stop looking at him, I wanted to scream, to struggle, to fight him off, but I couldn't. It was as if something was keeping me trapped, frozen as if I was in stone."

"I was terrified out of my mind. I somehow managed to tear my eyes away from his to try to shoot a desperate attempt to make eye contact with someone who would help me."

"But I couldn't. They didn't even notice. My heart was beating out of my chest, nearly coming out of my mouth as one of his hands gently made its way around my chin and twisted my head back. I was shaking as I was forced my make eye contact again."

"I just wanted him off of me. So, with my entire body quivering and his hand on my chin, I asked what he was going to do with me."

"He laughed. It was something sinister, something sadistic. I didn't know quite yet. He leaned down to my ear, our bodies almost touching."

"He whispered something vile in my ear before I burst into tears."

Blue pressed a kiss to Nightmare's temple, allowing himself to be brought closer to the King within his lap.

"And that kids is how I met your father."

Their children stared at each other for a moment before looking back at their parents.

Stockholm looked down at his hands in disbelief as his twin sister Lima put her wrists on her hips and said with as much sincerity as she could manage, "Well I think we skipped a couple of steps."

Blue laughed putting his head on Nightmare's shoulder. Lima nudged her brother, trying to get his attention.

She failed, however, as Stockholm's gaze slowly paned upwards at his parents, his face dead serious.

"Is that why I'm named fucking Stockholm?"


Nightmare slapped a hand over his husband's mouth, a wide grin on his face, "YES THAT'S EXACTLY WHY."

"...Dads what the fuck."

"Dad that sounded very homoerotic have you thought about this."

"Of course not-"

"Of course he has have you met your father."

Blue slammed his face into his palms as his daughter and son laughed at his antics. Nightmare pressed a kiss on Blue's cheek, grinning at him.

"You're the worst sometimes you know that?"

"There's a reason you love me so much, my dear."

Blue grumbled, putting his face into Nightmare's upper torso.

"Okay but like. Pop did that actually happen?"

"Of course it happened. How did you think we met? In a coffee shop??"


so meet my two blue/nightmare shipkids.

You have Lima Myers and Stockholm-Herman Myers (he has a second name as it'd be pretty fucking weird to call your kid S T O C K H O L M in the middle of a Walmart or something).

Also, yes, their last name is Myers because of Michael Myers because if Blue can simp for a sadistic king bent on killing his brother, then he can simp for evil incarnate. (No, Nightmare did not agree to this, but it's too late now).

So, Lima and Stockholm are fraternal twins although they are very different. Lima uses she/her pronouns, identifies as queer, and inherited Blue's eyes and his pew pew skeleton magic and Nightmare's feeling-aura-reading abilities.

Stockholm uses he/they pronouns and identities as pansexual. He inherited Nightmare's eyes (albeit it's a tad greener than his old man's because the surrogate mother had green eyes) and got Nightmare's tentacle magic.

So yeah.

They're nerds.

And if I ever end up drawing them, I'll publish it here but who knows.

This was all written in one sitting lmao I am very tired


987 Words

Nightmare x Blue OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now