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Nightmare let out a groan as someone continued to pound on his bedroom door.

After a couple more times of the person slamming their fist against the door, he threw the covers off of him and stood up.

He begrudgingly put on a jacket and opened the door, running a hand through his messy hair.

"Do you know what time it is? It's like one in the goddamn morning-"

"Someone is knocking on the door boss," Killer told him, his arms crossed over his bare torso.

"Well, why don't you open it?"

"I figured you would have wanted to be the one to greet whoever it is first."

Nightmare sighed, rubbing his temple with his right hand, "yeah. I'll go answer the door, you stay close in case it's someone who wants to like, murder me for whatever reason."

Killer nodded and the two teleported down into the main entrance area which leads to the main dining room.

"Killer, stay here. If I need you I will call, okay?"

Killer sat down at the table and pulled out his phone, "got it."

Nightmare walked out of the dining area and into the entranceway. There was no pounding but he could feel the presence of someone outside.

The emotions the person gave off were...concerning. Very concerning.

Fear, despair, exhaustion...if pain was a feeling then this was it.

Nightmare shoved his hands into his pockets, he pushed the right door open, his eyes widening.

Blue was leaning against the other door, his left eye was swollen, his nose was bleeding, and the blood was trickling down his face.

"Oh my God, what happened to you?" Nightmare asked, rushing up close to Blue and holding his head with his hands.

"I-Ink he- I didn't know where else to go..." Blue sobbed out, he placed trembling hands on top of Nightmare's.

"You came to the right place babe, come on inside, let's get you patched up." Nightmare's voice sounding much calmer than he actually was. 

Nightmare wrapped one of his arms around Blue's shoulders, supporting him as they walked into the manor.

"Killer! Get some tissues and an ice pack! NOW!" Nightmare shouted, instantly regretting it as Blue flinched, gripping onto Nightmare's jacket tighter.

"Sorry sweetheart..." He mumbled, hoisting Blue up and onto the dining room table.

Blue pinched his nose with his hand, the blood gathering in the creases in his hands. Killer walked in with a box of tissues and an ice pack, slightly surprised and very concerned.

"Woah, boss what happened to him?"

"Don't worry about it. He'll be fine." Nightmare dismissed, shooing Killer away. Killer reluctantly left, leaving the two in the dining room alone.

Blue replaced his bloody hand with a tissue, the blood already slowing down. Nightmare placed the ice pack against Blue's swollen eye, a fire of anger slowly building inside of him.

"So...Ink did this to you?"


"How long has this been going on?"

"Two weeks or hasn't been this bad before."

"'This bad'? Whatever do you mean?"

"He's never...made my nose bleed. Usually, he would just, hit my back and chest? I don't like thinking about it..."

Nightmare x Blue OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now