Chapter 23: The Only One

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|<Hyunjin asked me to>|

Minho says, grabbing the car keys from the counter and spinning them around his finger

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Minho says, grabbing the car keys from the counter and spinning them around his finger.

<What do you mean Hyunjin asked you to?> I ask, confused.

<He asked me to take you to school. So let's go.> Minho explains, walking past me and opening the door.

<Are you going too?> I ask, following him outside.

<No, I don't want to get fever again. I want to rest because I need to be energic tomorrow> He explains and we get into his car.
The seats are still a bit dirty from yesterday, he didn't have time to clean them.

<What happens tomorrow?> I ask while I fasten my seat belt and he does the same.

<Are you dumb? It's the day of Jeongin's party> Minho says, with an annoyed tone.

Oh my, sorry if I asked a genuine question.

<I thought it was on the 8th of February, in two weeks> I say and he shakes his head.

Now that I think about it, my birthday is coming too. But I prefer to not celebrate it.

He starts the engine and we head to school.

<The next weeks he is going to celebrate it with family so he decided to host a party earlier.> Minho explains, listless.

<Oh, ok. I have some questions tho. And don't call me stupid for asking them.> I say, crossing my legs.

<Fine, let's hear> Minho nods, keeping his gaze focused on the road.

<Firstly, where was Felix? Isn't he your step brother?> I ask and he rolls his eyes.

<He stayed at Hyunjin's house to sleep there with the others. I was supposed to stay there too but I had to drive you home.> Minho says and I perceive it as if he is trying to say that it's my fault.

<Well, you could have driven me to MY house and then do as you wanted. Don't try to put the blame on me> I defend myself, pissed.

<I told you why I did that and then you kept asking me to help you for everything: firstly the clothes, then the airbrush and the hairdryer. You wasted my energy. Then because of you I also got sick.> Minho spits and I'm about to punch him. Of course I won't but only because he is driving.

<Then what about your apologies. Was it a joke?> I ask, I'm hoping for him to say something that would make me feel better but it's going to be hard.

<If you already know it why are you asking me?> He says, after some seconds of silence.

I sigh. It hurts because I can't believe he did all of that only to tell me that I was being made fun of all the time.

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