✯ Prologue

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   Hello! It's the author, Luye. Is that my real name? Nope, not even close! It's what I call myself online so no one steals or knows my identity. It's mostly for personal reasons.

This is my first official Wattpad story! Please do not judge my writing. I've had trouble with English since I was young (specifically with reading, writing and pronunciation). But I am a native English speaker and may have some little to none problems!

➤ So what's this story about?

    'Glint' is about a boy named Caleb who's been through thick and thin. He doesn't see anything special in himself and hardly considers himself lovable. But, he begins noticing things about his life. Sometimes, people come and go randomly. Sometimes, he'd come home to see things re-adjusted. Sometimes, he felt as if he was being watched. Eventually, another boy comes in play in the story.. and maybe a couple of others.

   I just published this story (as of now, 4/26/24) and I'm hoping to consistently upload

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   I just published this story (as of now, 4/26/24) and I'm hoping to consistently upload. I'm estimating for there to be around 30 chapters or more! It all depends on when and what I write.


Stalking, language (swearing, cursing), 18+ scenes, mentions of drugs.

If you are below the age of 13-18, I do not recommend reading this. Please read the warnings and consider if any of them trigger feelings and emotions or make you feel uncomfortable. If you don't like it, put it down! Please do not comment offensive things or come at me for something you don't like in my book. There are warnings— read them!

If you are confused by "18+ scenes," I'm referring to smut or sexual scenes. I don't think I will get too into it unless fans or readers want me to. There will always be a warning before each chapter to inform you if it has anything inappropriate or triggering.

More about the story:

   This story is one of my firsts. Hopefully I will check through each and every chapter to ensure I didn't make any mistakes or typos! Google docs or auto-correct is not assisting me so my writing may be confusing. I will 100% try my best!

   Getting into the story, there will be multiple characters. Some of which is Caleb and his mysterious "stalker" who you will not know of until the end! ^^

I will regularly update this but please don't be mad if I miss a day. I have a busy life too!


   For the cover of 'Glint,' I got the picture from Pinterest and edited on Picsart. Other than that, all my writing and editing is all me. I will only post this on Wattpad so if you see this anywhere else— it's not me!

Glint | Stalker BxB ✓Where stories live. Discover now