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Warnings: none.
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Caleb Chartier

A few days later, I was sitting in school. Great. Back in jail.

Currently, our Spanish teacher was giving us assigned seats. Some kids were causing trouble which made the teacher go nuts. Seriously I never understood things like this. Why punish the whole class over one stupid person?

Luckily, I wouldn't care who I sat next to. It wasn't like I had any friends in Spanish. It was just me, myself, and I.

"In row one is Riley, Ben and Sarah. Row two Will and Kate. Row three, Lia and Maddie. Row four, Maxine and Harry. Row five, Kane and Caleb."

Seriously? KANE?

That scary dude was enough to even look at. I couldn't imagine sitting next to him. Honestly, kudos to his friends and girls who had enough balls to confess to him. Sure, he was hot but I was sure not taking any chance to talk to him.

I picked up my stuff and sat in Row five. Our Spanish class was relatively small because it was the last period of the day. Most of the students were assigned to Spanish in the morning or afternoon.

Kane was already sitting at his desk and glanced at me, as if just acknowledging I was sitting next to him.

"We've been bumping into each other a lot lately." Kane said. More than I'd like to.

"Y-yeah." I gave a quick answer. I didn't want to engage in any conversation. His eyes were locked on mine but I was too scared to directly look at him.

I could feel him trialing his eyes down and up my body, sending shivers to my back. "You seem nervous. What's wrong?" he asked in a teasing voice.

"N-nothings wrong!" I quickly defended. "I'm just a bit cold.."

"Mhm. It is a bit cold in here I guess." he said, tone full of boredom.

He went silent and the teacher began talking.

"We'll be focusing on the verb querer and tener. Of course, these verbs were introduced to you in your first year of Spanish, but many of you failed the review test. Please introduce yourself to your seat partner in Spanish. Try to use both verbs!" the Spanish teacher instructed. She wrote the verbs on the bored and possible things we could say.

Kane turned towards me. "Right so.." he trailed off.

"Uh.. I can't really remember how to introduce myself." I said, embarrassed. I could feel like cheeks heating up as he playfully smirked at me.

"Seriously?" he asked.

I nodded. "Seriously."

"For someone who looks like a nerd, you sure don't act like one."

Okay, offensive. What was his problem? Why was he cold and rude?!

People never described Kane as "playful" or "teasing." More like quiet and reserved. It was werid the way he was acting around me. Maybe what I heard was just rumors and he was like this with everyone. Why would it be any different with me?

"Yknow, my buddy Sam left me at the party just to approach you." Kane started. "Then he didn't come back for a bit and as soon as I saw him again, you were petting his hair."

My most opened the slightest inch. Okay? And what am I supposed to do with that information?

The worst part is the embarrassment. Kane was watching me drunk?!

"Are you two dating?" he asked. My face went red.

"What no!" I exclaimed. "We're friends— just friends!"

"Quick to defend, huh?" he mused.

"Whatever! I'm not dating him so leave me alone." I groaned.

I could swear I heard him mutter "good." Maybe it was just my ears acting up because Kane wouldn't say that, not in this situation. I didn't exactly know him well but no normal human being would be relieved over that.

"I'll leave you alone for now." he said. I thought he was going to add onto that but he lapsed into silence.

"Have any of you guys seen Gracy?" I asked Alisha and Damien.

Alisha winced. "Sorry Cal.. but I think she doesn't really want to see you right now."

I furrowed my brows. "Why?"

"Cause she's angry, duh?" Damien cut in.

"Shut up Damien!" Alisha snapped. She turned to be a gave me a sincere smile. "She won't tell us but I'm guessing she's mad at you for something. I can try to talk to her for you." She offered. I shook my head.

"It's fine." I said. Alisha nodded.

"Let me know if you change your mind!"

A few minutes later, Alisha and Damien were fighting. Per usual. I felt a bit left out since Alisha and Damien both payed no attention to me and had their own little dynamic.

I quickly forgot about Grace and didn't even think about why she was mad.

It didn't matter anyway. Grace would come back whenever she was done sulking.

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Hey readers! Sorry this chapter was shorter than the others but I had piano lessons today and needed to study for an exam. Super sorry!

I'll continue updating the story.. but I just have a question for you all.

QUESTION: Describe Kane with one word.
I'd love to see your answers!

Words: 868

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