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╔══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╗Warnings: mild cursing, possessiveness

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Warnings: mild cursing, possessiveness.
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Caleb Chartier

After we were finished eating, we walked around and arrived at the maze. Honestly, I thought it'd be a small tiny maze. No. It was fucking huge.

There was a bunch of people waiting outside it for their loved ones or friends. How long have they been here? They looked exhausted!

"There's no way we're making it out of that thing." I said, pointing directly at it.

"You won't know until we try." Kane said, nudging me forward. I stood my ground and shook my head.

"Nuh uh. No fucking way."

Kane ignored me and dragged me along. I couldn't stop my feet from not moving forward unless I wanted to hit the ground with a thud! Luckily for me, I saved myself from the embarrassment.

"Cal?" a familiar voice called out. It was Sam's. His sweet voice could be recognized out of a thousand.

"Sam? What're you doing here?" I asked, feeling Kane drop my arm.

"To have fun. This festivals rare. Who wouldn't come?" Rhetorical question. "Anyway are you guys doing the maze? You'll need more than just two people to find your way in and out of that." Something in Sam's question sounded forced— almost like he was trying to keep his cool. That's odd. I thought. He's probably just having a bad day.

I shrugged. "Yup, just us. You wanna join?"

"If it's okay with Kane." Sam said, looking past me and at Kane. I was stuck in between them— sandwiched in the middle. It kind of felt odd since I was the shortest.

Kane bit the inside of his cheek and glared at Sam. Sam did the same, his eyes drained of its color. Suddenly, my breath was caught in my throat. I swore I could feel the air getting colder and goosebumps on my skin forming. What the fuck is going on?

Kane didn't respond for a couple of seconds, simply staring into Sam's eyes.

"Yeah, I guess you can join." he said, bored.

"Fucking prick." I could swear I heard Sam mumble under his breath. I glanced back, only to find him smiling at me as if nothing just happened. I was most likely imagining it. Cursing wouldn't sound or even look right on Sam. The guy was like a golden retriever who got all A's and still had a hot body and face.

We approached the man who stood in front of the maze. Kane paid for me but left Sam to pay for himself, earning a glare from Sam. I giggled. Two boys who hate each other? This would be interesting.

The man placed a green bracelet on all of our wrists. It had a button we could press if we couldn't make it out or needed help. Was the maze seriously that hard?

"If you end up completing the maze, you all will be awarded $1,000 and put on the town newspaper. Nobody has completed it yet, but if someone does, the maze will be removed and you will be escorted out." the man said, gesturing at the maze.

It looked like a block of green filled with flowers of all kinds. Tall, lucious and natural. It was quiet pretty and would be a perfect place for pictures or a date.

We entered inside and I was immediately hit by a nice floral smell. I could feel my back pressed up against Sam. He was walking closer to me than normal, as if protecting me from something.

While Kane was busy tinkering with the flowers, Sam talked to me.

"Is that Kanes hoodie?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, what about it?"

I saw him gulp. "Nothing. Just make sure you don't get any diseases on you from that. He probably goes around fucking girls and gets all kinds of stuff."

I paused for a second.


Did Sam really just use such vulgar words? Sure, I've said worse, but coming from him it was a huge deal.

Unexpectedly, Sam pulled me closer to him and leaned down.

"Why are you with him anyway? He's not the type of person I see you around with. Where's Grace? Shouldn't you be with her instead of this dickhead?"

My words were caught in my throat.

"Do you even want to be with him? We can leave. I can drive you home and make sure he never messes with you again." he added on, sternly. "Unlike him, i'm safe. You won't have to worry about getting hurt when I'm around."

I knew what this was. Jealousy.

"I'm fine, really. Kane hasn't done anything and he's a good guy." I said, confused. "What's your problem?"

"I don't have a problem. I'm just making sure you're okay."

"And why would you care?" I prodded.

"Why would I care?" Sam laughed dryly. No humor, no care in the world. It wasn't right. "Oh Caleb, you don't know how much I care yet."


I glanced over at Kane who was still too busy looking at stupid flowers.

I was on my own.

"O-okay. Can you just let go of me please?" I asked, trying to pull away. Sam's eyes widened and immediately let go of me.

"I'm so sorry Caleb. I don't know what was going through my head." Sam apologized. "Fuck— I'm really sorry. Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

I couldn't feel mad at Sam or anything. He was genuinely worried for me and was simply judging Kane off of rumors. He hadn't meant it and I knew that. Still, it didn't stop me from feeling a little but upset— and honestly, a little happy. Sam cared— a bit too much, but it was care.

I felt my stomach swirl.

Honestly, I kind of liked Sam this way.

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How do you guys feel about Sam? I tried to make his character complex alongside Kanes! Next chapter will not be about the festival, unfortunately. There's only so much I can write!

We finally get to learn more about Sam and Kanes characters. I was so happy to finally write more about them!! The next chapters will solely revolve around.. im not saying! Anyway, thanks for reading up to here. More chapters will be released so stay tuned!

QUESTION: Who's hotter: Sam or Kane?
Me: I can't decide. The images in my mind are too good! Hehe

Words: 1058

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