Chapter 6 Rivals

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Got it! Let's edit the provided text. I'll maintain all the dialogue while making necessary adjustments to improve clarity, grammar, and flow. Here's the edited version:


"Do you honestly believe that?" Josoline asked, laughing.

"Yes, I do," replied Duke Ethan with a grin.

The Duke had only danced with Josoline once during the quadrille, but then he had asked her again. She had nothing to lose; it wasn't like her dance card was filled with suitors. She felt like herself with him. This handsome, sandy-blond-haired man standing before her was wonderful. The man she had seen in the garden with his icy gaze and strong jawline had another side that she found enlightening.

"Well, Lady Josoline, could I hold you to that?" a mischievous grin played across his thin lips.

Josoline was completely taken by this man and his charms.

Ethan looked down at the exquisite beauty that stood before him, her beautiful eyes, smile, and laugh were enough to send him over. That night he had danced with a fair amount of ladies, but he only managed to find dancing with Lady Josoline preferable.

"You will? America is lovely, so anytime I'm there and you're around, I'll show you the places I found wonderful. Although America is nice, there's no place like home," said Josoline, her eyes drifting to his chest. The thought of home gave her an ache in her heart, and the fact that she had to deceive one of these men into marrying her was the only option.

"Lady Josoline, I enjoyed dancing with you," his voice laced with all kinds of things Josoline couldn't place a hand on. "Do you know how rare it is to meet a young woman with standards and beauty?"

Josoline's face flushed. "My Lord, do you intend to make my face as red as a potato with your compliments?"

Duke Ethan laughed, and she found his laugh adorable. "You make me smile, Lady Josoline."

"And you make me laugh, my Lord," they were looking into each other's eyes, and for a second, she thought getting to know the Duke wasn't going to be a bad idea after all.

Ethan's eyes ran over her face; she was different. She spoke her mind; her conversational skills were immaculate. Her slim frame felt wonderful under his hands. He had to see her again, he thought... must!!

The music had ended. He offered his proffered arm and escorted her back to her ladies in waiting.

A smile plastered on her face, "Till next time, my Lord," she curtsied, and he bowed.

"I'll be waiting," his cheeky smile made her breath hitched.

She gave him a polite nod as he walked away.

As the ball ended, the Royal family exited first. Josoline felt a pin of disappointment that the crowned prince never even looked at her. She kept smiling nevertheless; she had danced with Prince Theodore and Duke Ethan. As they made their way to their quarters, the hall flooded with young ladies.

Josoline and her ladies made their way up the stairs and down the hallway. They walked in silence. She couldn't wait to retire to her room to tell Becka how charming the Duke was.

"You know, I think you're being too friendly with the Duke," said a voice that was hovering in the dark. The lit candles only made a shadow of whom it was intimidating. She stopped in her tracks, and Becka stood by her side.

"Show yourself," Josoline demanded, her voice little less than a whisper with no fear. The hallway to her room had no one in sight; it was either they had retired or still downstairs gossiping.

The broad figure emerged from the shadows, and Josoline came face to face with Lady Madeline Beckford, the daughter of a gambler. Her family was known for having money, but her father was wasting it in gambling, rumors had it. Her face was pretty but not beautiful, but among the debutante, she was of big-boned. Josoline had never really given her plenty of thought before.

"And why should I do that, Lady Madeline?" asked Josoline mildly.

"Because he is the only one who actually noticed me and my only chance at marrying into the family," she said upon approach.

Josoline eyed her over. "You cannot be serious, Lady Madeline. 'Tis a season; whoever Ethan chooses is not really our concern."

She scoffed. "Well, I need to be of his choice. He is my only hope for this. Lady Josoline, you are beautiful; you could try at the prince."

Josoline heard the desperation in her voice, but why did she get the impression that Duke Ethan was favoring her and the Crown Prince had yet to even notice her existence.

Josoline sighed. "I cannot promise."

Josoline could see her face harden. "What do you mean?"

"If the Duke wants to spend time with me, then how can I refuse? That would be rude, moreover unladylike, and we are ladies, are we not?" Josoline asked with an arched brow.

Her face was collected, but her eyes were icy. "Yes, we are, but I need his favor," she spat. "Moreover, the Duke needs a wife that will stay, not one who will run to America like a wild cat."

Her words like a slap to the face. She spoke as if she had known her personally  and that was not ok.


"Is that the rumor you heard?" Becka interjected, ready to pull her hair out at any moment.

"As a matter of fact, yes. But if I could hear, the crown prince and the Duke must have heard," she said with a triumphant smile.

"Well, there are lots of beautiful debutantes here, so I know I'm the least of your worries," Josoline countered. "And if you knew better or were even a lady, you would not try to make me believe I had no chance," her eyes fixed on her. "Like yourself, at least," she added mildly.

Madeline glared daggers at her. "I shall take my leave." She walked by with her head held high, but Josoline knew her words had done damage.

"Good," Josoline barely smiled. "Goodnight, Lady Madeline."

She and her ladies walked to their quarters without much of a glance back. How could she ask that of her? Becka opened the door to their quarters.

"I'm absolutely amazed by how that one managed to be so rude to you, and she was more likely to not marry this season," said Ruth. "It's unbelievable that she approached you with this nonsense."

"Clearly, she is desperate," Becka commented.

Josoline went to her room while the others spoke of the earlier incident. She sat before her mirror. "Well, you've made it tonight. You've gone to your first ball and didn't suffer nor was it disastrous," she smiled to herself. "Maybe if I be myself and stop trying so hard, just maybe I'll come out on top," she thought to herself.

"Did you have fun, Josi?" asked Becka, leaning against the door frame.

"Yes," she replied, removing her jewelry.

"I could tell," said Becka, approaching her. Josoline stood, loosening her dress. "Duke Ethan seems like he is smitten by you."

"How can you know that?" Josoline asked, laughing. "It was only one or two dances."

"May I remind you it was two?" she grinned.

Josoline giggled.

"Just promise me something though," asked Becka.

"Yes, anything," she turned to face her.

"You won't, and I mean won't, have a breakdown," she said, holding her shoulders. "You will be the strong Josi I know and love. You will not allow these women to intimidate you, and you will use your charms to make one of those men love you because family comes first."

Josoline inhaled, then closed her eyes because she knew every word Becka spoke was the truth.

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