Chapter 33 A picnic to remember

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When Josoline laid eyes on Leonardo she wasn't surprised because this was after all his home but her breath seem to hitch every time they met or when he looked at her with those eyes as if she was his only desire. Even though she had made her feelings clear on what she was going to do and what she thought was the right thing, her heart  kept bringing her back to him . He had this cheeky grin on his face that made her want to kiss him senseless, his mess hair and drink in hand made him look so sexy and this dark knight persona he had about him. She just wanted to be next to him an touch him, Each time some sort of magnetic energy kept making her gravitate to him . She realized he was in fact staring at her as if he was reading her mind , she blushed but never looked away she just bit the inside of her cheeks, She felt As if they were so in sync it was crazy that she could feel the envy he felt behind that gorgeous smile. He looked at her as she stared up at him a gust of wind blow an a lose strand went into her eye ,his hand moved to touch her but she had moved it before he could.

Was he crazy Ethan thought, did Leonardo really want to touch her in front of him. The Anger he felt

" Cousin I see your well " Ethan said trying to get his focus off his wife...wait wife to be.

" yes I am" Leonardo replied eyes still locked with hers . Leo was at a point where he did not care , Josoline was his and he was done with these games.

" Josoline and I were just talking about our wedding and that I was thinking of asking you to be my best man" Ethan lied with a smug look.

Josoline looked up at Ethan, she was taken aback; unsure of where this was going.

Leo looked at him for a brief moment and smiled but not a polite one; one that screamed if you think I would allow that your crazy. A part of Ethan always felt Leo had feelings for Josoline but that was Leo he always wanted what he couldn't have so Ethan didn't think much of it because she had chosen him; he was now worried that she had lost her memory and could not properly identify what they have.

" I would love too but you and I both now why I can't do that " Leo said bluntly.

Josoline went wide eyes she looked if anyone had heard but all were about there business chatting,laughing and having a good time.

Ethan's jaws tighten ," and why is that?!"he said through gritted teeth trying to keep his cool.

He stared at Ethan and decided he wasn't going to play nice anymore, was this the alcohol speaking, he did not know but all he knew he wasn't going to lose Josoline with out a fight no matter if she liked it or not.

" I mean you and her so called marriage won't happen" He simple stated.

Ethan brows furrowed "Excuse me?!" He asked in disbelief.

Her breath hitched, her tongue felt heavy . What was he saying? was he going to tell Ethan about last evening? Her heart raced against her chest , her palm felt sweaty all of a sudden.

" I think your drunk Prince Leonardo" She managed trying to get him to shout up.

" I'm not drunk I'm fine . I'm just done with these games of us that's all Josi " He said with a faint smile while staring into her beautiful eyes as if Ethan didn't matter.

She swallowed hard trying to make sense of what was happening. Her lips felt dry , she licked them and Leo just wanted to kiss them. He was done tormenting himself with this trivial matter.

" You most be drunk" Ethan said astonished by his cousin's behavior. From all they're year Ethan had never witnessed this of Leonardo.

" I'm not drunk. I love this woman and I'm not going to stand by idle and do nothing ..."

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