Chapter 29

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The days had went by from dawn to dust quickly. Each passing day Josoline laid there in bed to the Windows to the washroom . She sat there restless trying to remember all what she lose, but the hope of remembering anything was not coming. Her entire life felt as though it had just started now. Her family had yet to arrive they had sent word that they had sold their horses and carriage so getting to the palace was nearly impossible from where they were. Becka had explained to her the financial aid they needed but she still couldn't remember the royal family only believed that her mom was ill that's why they hadn't come. The season was in a few days coming to an end , all the debutants were restless from not receiving a proposal even the princess had left with out word which surprised many because they swore she was Prince Leonardo's choice.

So much had happen these pass two and a half weeks. Becka and her lady's in waiting came to entertain her every now and then, her bruise had healed on her hand was tender but the bandages got removed on the doctor's check ups, he had told her that the bump on her head had drawn down but the memory may come on it's own time. Josoline got uneasy after a while Ethan had come to see her everyday at the same hour and left at the specific time which she thought odd but at the end these people had more to do than be at her beck and call but wasn't Ethan to be her husband wasn't he suppose to be by her ?

She sighed her lady's had attended the teas, luncheons, party's they were allowed to do it allowed by the Queen herself. So she only had the pleasure of resting or reading and being tend too in this big room.

Leo hadn't come see her and she wondered why, with the princess leaving so soon and without a engagement seemed odd but she couldn't help that small feeling of joy but why was she happy for a next person misfortune. She had to admitted that Leonardo was handsome , sinfully at that. His silk black hair that was unruly at times , his beautiful eyes that seem to see into her soul, his strong jaw line and his very attractive nose . She had wondered how it would feel for his face to touch hers but she had roebuck herself for hoping or imagine such things of him , she knew he wouldn't look at her that way but she only feared that she'd past her place with him just because he was friendly.

She rose from the bed and to the Window an stared out into the fields and saw all the debutants having tea out into the beautiful rose gardens , they chatter and there laugher filled the air. The season was ending and josoline felt as if her entire life had just became blank.

The door knocked and she didn't move , she envied those girls who could be free and who knew them self's , a small smile played across lips at how beautiful the ladies looked
From a far and how they were enjoying them self's ,she even thought of how she'd look in a ball gown.

" are you okay ?" Said a low husky voice from the door.

She didn't have to turn around to know who it was because his voice had sent electric thrilled through her , she smiled before turning to him.

" I will be as soon as I remember who I am" she replied sweetly.

He had wore a white trousers and shirt his hair in a neat little mess, he seem to be more handsome than she last saw his beautiful face.

" I think time is the key , you will receive your memory in time "he said up approach. He stood before her only inches he smiled liking the rose water scent on her , his sense kicking about as though he wanted to hold her close breathing her in. He needed to tell her of their secret rendezvous, of the moment that gave him nightmares because the thoughts of losing her driving him nearly mad. He hadn't been too much around the other ladies, he even forsakes his princely duties because all he could think of was josoline memories not returning and she marrying Ethan, his family was worried especially his mother who wondered about his change of mood. He had tried staying away,tried to focus his attention else where,tried to even indulge with one or two women but couldn't go on because his hands itched in anticipation to contact with her skin.

She cross her hands over her chest ," I wish I could remember who I was you know I'd like to know the answers to these questions in my head"

" ask me an I see if i could assist you" Leo suggested , hoping that she asked about him and her , he prayed.

She gave him a small smile, " I want to know why am I here?"

He looked at with soft eyes ," tis your and serval debutants are here to court either me, my brother Theo or my cousin Ethan whom your engaged to"

Josoline looked him on, trying to figure out why he looked at her with so much sentiments. A part of her wondered about Ethan and there engagement, why was it that when Leo speak or looked at her she felt a blush creeping in .

" I wish I could remember " she said with a sigh rubbing her palm over her face. " I just don't know..but as soon as the season ended I shall return home I presume"

As the words left her lips Leo chest tighten, he didn't understand why he wanted to shake her senses in or just kiss her confused expression anyway.

He closed the gap between them as he brush the back of his hand over her cheek, she was surprised but she eaised in to his touch. For a moment she felt safe even loved if she dear say. She closed her eyes as she leaned into his firm chest breathing his manly scent in, she bit her lips as she trembled from wanting to kiss him but this was sinful, is not. She was to marry Ethan and what type of woman would she be if she indulged in this type of behavior.

She moved away from him trying to understand the emotions that flooded her body.

" I think I need rest your highness " she said walking to her bed,trying not to make contact .

Leo licked his lips. He felt every connection she felt but why was she fighting it. " are you okay, is it your head?" He asked concerned

She sat there on the bed with her head held down,'' I feel strange " she said with a half whispered voice.

" what do you mean?" He asked taking a seat next to her at the edge of the bed.

" I feel as though I need you " she said not looking up

" what if I told you I feel the same too" Leo replies.

Josi eyes shot up to meet his and she saw that million pound smile that felt oh so familiar.

She looked away wondering what to say next," Leo you know I....I.." She stuttered. She wanted to touch him or feel him but would it not be wrong to act on her feeling.

Leo placed his fingers under her chin to look at him , josoline kept nibbling on her cheek." What you trying to say"?"

" can I...I " she said squeezing her eyes shout," I want to kiss you" she said finally. Feeling nervous to what his answer may be.

For a moment the room was silent , she opened her eyes and Leo stared back at her with a lopsided grin.

He didn't reply he just moved in and brushed his lips over her , when he noticed she hadn't move he continued. He explores her mouth with his tongue , he held her nap as her hands cupped his face. He led her on the bed as he crawled atop of her she started to remove his shirt as the kiss deepen , the passion from the kiss grew intense . Josoline seemed to could not breath ,her heart pudding against her rib cage.

This felt so right she thought. The way his hand found her breast and the way his mouth found her lips and neck. Him losing himself in her was mind blowing


Thinking of giving up on this book...

Do u think I should continue this story??

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