Chapter 1

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Josoline eyes cracked opened , her hair just a tad covered her face, She stretched turning to lay on her back. She had gotten use to the King's bed after a week of just laying in it and not leaving his chambers. She really wonder what was going on behind these doors. Josoline had decided that she'd take a walk today or even go horse back riding or something but Leonardo was getting out of hand she felt like a sex slave.

It felt as though if he gave her too much space she'd run. He called her runner but he had begged her to stay and not give up on them. It was odd really to see this side of him, for Christ sake he was a king of a country respected by many and fear by most to see him so weak before her amazed her.

Either they were making love in the mornings or in the evenings maybe even high noon.. She rubbed her palm over her facing removing her hair as she recalled last evening.

Flash back...

Lady Josoline had just awoken in the evening and then decided to shower , King Leo had left saying he had a meeting with the some Lords from the Caribbean and Russia .

She went to the wash and was greeted with rose water bath. She grinned as she removed her clothes. King Leo had not trusted anyone to come near her so he kept a close eye and no one was allowed to enter. The Head guard was now assigned to her because of if the war they were facing.

She sat in the tub for what seemed to be so long but she felt relaxed and at peace. She hadn't heard his footsteps but was greeted by his touch when he slid his hand down her shoulders and kissed it. She jumped but he grinned.

" You frighten me" she admitted holding her chest.

" I'm sorry " He apologized caressing her Cheek with his thumb.

"I thought you had meetings" she replied getting out he held the towel up and she allowed him to dry her.

"I did but I cut it short didn't want to be there when you are here" he gave her his boyish grin.

She smiled and walked into the room she took up the oil but he snatched it away from her.

"Hay" she protested" what are you doing?"

He just stared at her with that breathtaking smile. He laid her on the bed then held her feet, he oiled each leg he then followed up in between her thighs and she shivered. Josoline bit down on her lip trying to suppress her moans.

"Leo you had said you'd only oil me down" she said out of breath. Her fingers curled into the sheets as he touched her core

His eyes grew dark from lust. He kissed her feet and she flinched.

"What are you doing?" She asked in disbelief.

He kissed it again and she flinched," why are you acting as though my kisses  burn? " he Asked smiling.

She bit down on her lower lip," it's not that it's just that your my king and your kissing my feet...that's too much your royalty" 

She laid there easing up on her elbows he sat at the edge of the bed. He stared at her for a moment.

" Josoline no blood line or relations or anything will not make me see you as nothing less than my equal. I maybe the king of England but you are the ruler of my heart.....soooooo" he said kissing her feet again." I'll do as I please"

Josoline looked at him trying to fight back the tears, she blushed," my my ...Leo you sure know how to get a girl in bed" she teased.

He grinned at her and kept staring as if she was the most important thing in the world . Her smile faded a bit," is something wrong Leo? " She asked.

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