Chapter 18 The museum

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" you look lovely " Becka beamed.

" really. My seamstress in America had made it when I had plans to watch Russian ballet" Josoline said looking at her refection.

" its lovely never the less" Ruth complemented.,"you look like a princess already " she added

Josoline stiffen at Ruth's statement the thought of being married to Leo made her heart stop. Her body was sore from her and Leonardo's Passionate encounter two nights ago. She hadn't seen him since the queen had said he was sent to deal with something of importance for sometime and will soon return. He hadn't even said a word to her and that made her felt used.

How was she going to explain to the Duke if they marry about her virtuousness. This was bad she thought , Leo was not the man for her he'd only used her, she shook her head.


The time she spent with him was special and even if she had to marry Ethan She'd find a way out. In time she would have had  a reason  to why she was deflowered.

" Josoline? " Becka called breaking her from her thoughts." This young maid here says she has a gift for you from Ethan "

Josoline moved towards the younger girl who held a small box she took it and gave the girl a smile.

The girl dipped and curtsy then said," The Duke ask of you to wear this tonight "

Josoline open the small cloth wrapped in there was a beautiful white pearl necklace. She hated pearls, she thought of them as old fashioned.

" thank you " Josoline replied dismissing the younger person.

"What is it?" Mari asked when Josoline went back to her room where the lady's were.

" its a pearl necklace " she replied with distaste.

" what's wrong? " Ruth asked," do you not like them ?"

" well.." Josoline trilled off trying to find the word suitable because without sounding ungrateful.

" she doesn't fancy pearls" Becka said bluntly.

"Ohh but it is lovely" Ruth mentioned with a smile.

" it is but how will it look with this dress.. He wishes me to wear it tonight "she said eyeing the necklace with distaste.

" you could change the dress if u may " Becka advised.

"Well I guess I should of.." Josoline replied feeling reluctant towards changing. She loved her dress but he had gotten it for her and wouldn't it be rude to deny him.

"It's time to leave" a maid said knocking on the door.


They visited the museum of painting and sculpture, Ethan had grinned when he saw her wearing his necklace.

" you are looking beautiful as all ways" he had said .

She scoff thinking of it. She loved her dress and this necklace made it too much.

" thanks you sir Ethan for this wonderful gift". Josoline said giving him a polite smile.

In the eyes of the ton she looked beautiful.

Josoliine got bored with Ethan's speaking of himself and his many so called adventure. She hid away from him soon as he left her side. As she tried to find a spot to go unnoticed. She scanned the area she smiled at seeing Becka and Ruthi speaking with Lord Jacob Noel and Sir Vincent Robert 111.

Becka looked happy she thought taking a moment to admire her cousin, Josoline maneuver her way through the ton going to the far back of the museum. The crowned prince was not around so the flock of debutantes did not seem too enthused to be here.

She stopped as she realized that she was out sight. She grinned no Ethan,No one talking of what she didn't care for and no Leo. The grin fell from her face at the thought of Leonardo..

She missed him dearly but she most have learn to live without him if she intended to marry Ethan.

But why Ethan?
Why couldn't Leo not be a prince why did he have so much responsibility.


" Benjamin West 1764-1768 "Suddenly a voice whispered in her ear, his breath on her skin gave her goosebumps .

" I thought you were away" she said smiling with her back still turned.

" well I did what I was ask of and I came back to see your beautiful face" Leo said in a low voice.

She blushed turning to him," So you are telling me that you may have missed me." She said gazing at his handsome face.

" not may but did " he corrected.

She blushed again , facing the painting," tell me of this painting " she said motioning towards it.

" The painting is important as it is a contemporary view showing all three powers involved during the 1750s in the French and Indian War, It depicts Major General Sir William Johnson preventing a North American native warrior from taking the scalp of Baron Dieskau a wounded and defeated French soldier lying on the ground." Leo said standing behind her .

She already knew all of what he spoke but she loved to hear his voice ,"wow your knowledge of art amaze me" her soft voice said. She knew she sounded like a little giddy school girl.

He chuckled ," If I told you of the Greek mythology and paintings from the 1650's then you'd truly be amazed " he said with a cocky grin.

She looked at him an grinned,"I can wait for you to tell me" she touched his cheek ," oh I've missed you"

" I've missed you dearly too" he lowered his head to kiss her then they heard Ethan calling after her.

She jumped from his embraced standing arms length. She looked at Leo whose face was no longer pleasant he wore a unreadable expression.

" I'm here" she answered a bit loudly.

Ethan emerged from the halls of the museum. He noticed that she wasn't alone, when did Leo get back and why was he alone with her he thought.

"Leo?" He said nodding towards him.

" Ethan " Leo response mirrored his.

"Lady Josoline I was worried about you" Ethan said smiling at her.

She walked towards him with a forced smile," you've found me, I was just not feeling well and needed some peace" She lied giving him a polite smile walking towards him.

Leo could tell she was forcing herself to feel for Ethan, " I happened to have bumped into lady Josoline here and we spoke of the painting. " Leo interject.

Ethan looked between the two, Leonardo's facial expression remain unreadable while Josoline just stared at Ethan trying to figure out what was running through his mind while glaring at Leo.

" well then" Ethan said touching Josoline's necklace. " Lady mayflower and Earl Warren wishes to see your necklace "

Her brow furred,"but why?"

"_because I told him I had gotten it here in town but they disbelieve"

Leonardo's jaw flexed at seeing how close Ethan stood to her and to top it off he had bought her a necklace. He felt jealous ..he looked away knowing that Ethan was trying to get a reaction from him

He did buy her a gift while he was away but would it match up to the beautiful necklace that hanged around her elegant neck.

" okay " she manage to say glancing at Leo over her shoulder

Ethan offered his proffered arm ," shall we?" . Josoline took it .

" I will see you inside cousin?" Ethan asked Leo giving him a cheeky grin.


Picture of Josoline dress on the side ...

Please remember to read and vote .... Enjoy...

I had a really hard time writing this .I guess writers blocked just let me know if it came out well enough

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