Chante 22 Let the games begin

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The night had just began, josoline felt guilt and joy a lot mix emotions showered . She had to call off the engagement today the fear of his reactions made her tense but on the other hand she'd be spending the rest of her life with Leo the man she had falling in love with.

She smiled.

" Are you alright ?" Mari asked bring her out of her thoughts.

She twirled her self as she grinned.
They all sat in the seating room drinking tea. The ladies had been understanding because after all Josoline was her own person and they had eventually they thought among themselves that Josoline would share her feelings in time.

" I am fine...tis that everything will fall into place now" she glee .

Mari eyed Becka and Ruth each face mirrored her own, confused; but lately that was the only thing josoline had been doing to them even Becka was worried about her.

Josoline mind couldn't slow down, all the anxiety slowly building . She had to see Ethan even though it was casino night. Everyone would be in the palace at the main hall,to get him alone would be difficult but it had to be done .

"What do you mean? " Mari asked brow furrowed.

Josoline looked at her with a broad grin," I know I upset you ladies when I didn't tell you of my previous engagements "

She looked at Becka then walked towards her, " you out of all know how much pressure I am under with the family... " josoline eyes got teary as she held Becka's hands" and I have been fighting myself to have control of every situation and I have so far but all will change for the better in time. I can't tell you now because it is not finalize as yet"

Becka couldn't help but smile," I was angry with you but we're family an everyone has secrets " Becka replied embracing her in a hug.

Josoline looked at her ,a bit skeptical but nodded in agreement because she new becka had a secret that josoline had wished to find out in due time

The main hall was filled with life, soft music and chatter. All the lady's indulge in small talk with the Nobles.

The large chandelier glistening, the maids moved around serving wine and treats, The scene was a sight of joy but not everything wasn't as it seemed.

"Well if I do say so myself good man... I think I will retire from playing I've lost enough of my money for one night" said Ethan at the gambling table. He had been there since midday, Now he had thought he had enough fun for the evening.

He walked away in search of beautiful josoline who stood at a table on the far right side of the room with poker chips in hand. Her silky hair pinned nicely atop of her head and a lovely blue day dress that complimented her eyes the debutantes that stood among her only seem unfitting near her, her beauty only seem to enhance every time he had seen her.

He hovered up over her shoulder and she knew it was him from the scent of his cologne ," Sir Ethan " Josoline said with a polite smile .

" maybe you should stop being so formal " Ethan said as he stood be hide her, smelling her lovely lavender sent. josoline spine grew stiff at his comment.

She placed her poker chips down and turn to look at him, her elegant little face turned up and her lips into a lopsided grin," how have you been sir Ethan? " she asked polity then dipped and cutesy trying to change the topic.

He took her glove hand and brush his lips over it. " You will soon become my wife an the formality's can end" he said with a cheeky grin. That made josoline stomach knotted not in a good way.

" Well until then we shall stick to the formalities " She said gentle pulling her hand from his grasp.

He leaned in to her ear "I cannot wait to be close to you lady josoline"
It was a whisper that made her quivered inwardly. Her eye shot up to meet his and it was filled with lust as if he was undressing her slowly and she found that repulsive.

She forced a smile hoping her face didn't betray her." We'll just take things slow shall we." She lied.

He grinned at her and she gave him a polite smile and nodded. That's all she had to do before she ended their engagements, her eyes search for Leo who was no where in sight. She missed him, she need to see his smiling face to get the strength to do what she had to be done.

" Lady Josoline? " Ethan called breaking her chain of thoughts.

" yes" her small voice answered.

" shall I take you too a picnic tomorrow ?" .

she looked at him brow furrowed, he noticed .

" with chaperones of course " he added giving a nervous chuckle.

" Shall I think of it " she asked. All this was to end today . She would tell him of her feelings that she didn't have toward him.

He was stunned by her reply, they were to be married and she had acted as if they were only friends. " As you wish my dear " he replied giving her a thin lip smile.

Her eyes searched for Leo once again her eyes landed on Theo and Becka, they had caught her interest for a moment then she looked  away her mind thinking he had changed his.

Panic grow in the pit of her stomach, would he do that to her, wasn't he a man of his words. All these questions ran around her brain, unable to focus she excused herself to find her lady's.

" Duke Ethan shall we talk later I just remember I have to something to do" josoline said as she crusty,she didn't await his respond because of the fear he may ask questions.


The room was quit and filled with tension, Leo face in a stone cold glare at his father. The room that was once filled with laughter only to be replaced with distant memories.

How could they go over his head, he had made his feelings clear to them from the beginning of this crazy season.

After a half hour of yelling and ten
Minutes of silence Leo growled at his father."What did you do father?"

" Leonardo? " his mother called in shock. She had never seen her son this upset before." What is wrong? "

They stood in his father library in silence. They hadn't made it to the casino halls as yet .

" why would you do this ?" Leo asked rubbing his nose bridge trying to calm himself.

" son talk to us clearly we are not like your little friends so do address us correctly" The King said mildly.

" I told you I wanted to marry...I didn't ask for you to meddle " Leo hissed.

" we just did what you asked of us" The Queen retorted . The King sat behind his wooden oak table his face stone cold his mother stood next to him her hands on his shoulder, they looked perfect together a powerful man and his queen.

" I didn't asked of you for anything " he said glaring at the pair.

"Well I did think upon your return from the trip and proposed of marriage all of a sudden that you had a change of heart" his mother stated.

" that still do not say I wish for your meddlesome actions  " Leo said feeling his anger rise. This was out of hand , josoline was waiting on him downstairs and his parents had done this . All his stress had just began.

" do not speak to your mother like that " his father said as he shot to his feet. His powerful voice booming through the room but Leo face mirrored his and that both annoyed and impressed the king.

" you may be the king and queen but you are my parents first and as my parents keep out of my affairs " he spat.

" Leo sweetheart I was only trying to help" his mother said walking towards him her middle age elegant face sadden.

" I didn't ask you to mother"Leo said Turing on his heels walking away.

" but...." She started.

He placed his hand up" Have a Good evening "Leo said lastly then took his leave

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