Chapter 23 shocking truth

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The night of the casino josoline hadn't even glimpse Leo ,he hadn't even showed his face at breakfast the next morning . Her mind felt like a run away carriage , the thought of Leo not keeping his words made her heartbreak. What had happen , wasn't she going to get her everafter.

The afternoon tea had finished and josoline hadn't seen nor heard from Leo and she had to meet Ethan in the little garden where they had tea and she saw him when she had first arrived, Now she had to meet him in minutes. She walked slowly down the hall ways her face sad and lips in a thin line.

Did she do something wrong, why hadn't he sent word to her, was she supposed to end the engagement with Ethan. All these thought flooded her mind before she knew it she was down the stair an to the exit door entering the garden. There stood Ethan with his back turned , She admired his back for a moment and how neatly his hair was style. She compared Leo to Ethan and it seem mediocre even though they were blood Ethan was no Leo with his devilishly handsome self well Ethan was more simple more reserved.

She scoffed, and a lopsided grin played across her pink lipstick stained lips, Leo had a stone cold glare that would make any man, woman or child quiver and that sinister look he gave when one had crossed him.

Ethan noticed her presence and turn to see josoline standing in the door frame the sun ray made her hair shine and her eye sparkle when her lips twisted in a smile.

"Lady Josoline ?" Ethan called With a boyish grin.

Josoline blinked her self back to reality for Ethan's deep voice penetrating her mind her eyes met with his smiling face.

" Duke Ethan? " she smiled politely and curtsy.

He bowed then took her hand then kissed her gloveless hand and if the truth was to be told it hadn't felt as treacherous as she had imagined if his lips touched her bare skin.

" you look lovely" Ethan complimented her neatly pinned hair atop of her head and that yellow day dress that complimented her skin tone.

She blushed," thank you" she said eyeing him over," you look handsome as ever"

He grinned down at her," you are a work of art you know?" He asked her.

" oh duke Ethan you are too much " she said blushing.

" we shall start our walk?" He asked motioning her a head.

She looked around then her brows knitted, Ethan started to chuckle and that gave josoline a worry line on her forehead.

" tis okay we have chaperone ," he said pointing to a lady in the garden That Miss Bucket had assigned " she will be like a fly on the Wall " He whispered.

Josoline swallowed hard,"_oh OK"

She open her umbrella and they started walking slowly through the colorful beauty of the garden. As they walked Ethan told josoline of the flowers and roses origin and stories of his family. His father was a Duke and his mother the sister of the Queen, he told her of when he was a child how simpler life was. He also spoke of how he'd be taking on a lot from now on since his father's passing , he had to be the head of his family even making sure his three sisters marry a respective young noble.

There for the first time she saw Ethan in a different light,he asked her " what of your family? " and josoline got tense.

She told him what society already knew, of her sister mysterious disappearance no one knew she was with child, of her elder brother being married and living a good life even about her parents loving happy marriage that she had wished to have one day.

It felt different because she had told Leo all this even of the fact of not wanting to marry which he understood but with Ethan she felt a difference she could not identify .

"_are you alright josoline?" Ethan asked.

" yes My Duke" She replied.

They had walked so much and she hadn't even noticed that they where in the maze.

He chuckled," I told you the formalities most stop"

" it will only stop when I say I do" she teased

" at least you plan on saying I do" he joked .

" oh so I thought you were sure I would are so self confident an all" she teased back smiling.

"Well at least you know my weaknesses" he said.

She stopped and looked at him still smiling, " and what ever did I find out unknowingly ?"

" you are my weakness Lady Josoline Prescott "his face still wore a smile.

And for the first time she questioned the difference of how Ethan treated her and Leo..


"Leonardo this is a lovely garden" she said as they strolled slowly through the maze.

Leo didn't reply just gave her a thin lip smile. His mind on Josi and where she was and how could he get to her.

All was a mess the plan had to be reconstructed because of the huge flaw in its design.

" Leonardo what to do you think ?" She asked with a grin.

He cleared his throat and forced a smile." Well I -".

"Ethan I do hope we--" said josoline her voice cutting through his brain like a knife.

The pair stopped, josoline back turn to him..

" Leo " Ethan greeted , in fright josoline turn around to see her lover standing there with a black hair beauty she had never yet seen," princess Serena " Ethan added.


Picture of Ethan on the side.....
------> :) hope you enjoy padders and keep Reading and voting or commenting

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