Chapter 2: Awakened

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Rosalie's Point of View

I was holding Renesmee, while everyone else discussed what Edward and Bella would do, once they found out that not only one, but both of their new born daughters had been imprinted on, when she reached up and touched my cheek. Images of Bella laying on the metal table flashed through my mind. Her pale and fragile face, so sudden and so random that I jumped slightly, "Did you just show me that?"

She giggled, "I'll take that as a yes. Your mommy will be awake soon, just you wait." I said, poking her nose.

A few minutes of more arguing, and finger pointing passed, when suddenly a small voice spoke, though without my good hearing, I wouldn't haven't even heard.

"Where's my momma?" Renesmee's twin asked.

"D-did you just speak?" Seth sputtered, looking over to his newly born imprint instantly.

Shivering at the thought of him imprinting on an infant, I rolled my eyes at his ignorant question.

"No, she barked." I replied sarcastically, sending a nasty glare his way.

"Rose.." Esme warned swiftly, giving me the look.

"Esme, in Rosalie's defense, Seth asked a pretty redundant question." Jasper said, before turning his attention over to the second baby. "But, just you wait sweetheart, she'll be awake soon."

Shortly after Jasper spoke, Edward came down the stairs, his hands tucked lazily into his jean pockets, as he eyed his new daughters. A small smile appeared over his lips, as he planted his feet on the bottom step.

"So, how are they?" He questioned with a small grin.

"Good, Renesmee can show you her thoughts and the other one can talk."

Without missing a beat, he spoke, "Interesting."

He walked over to Seth, who was holding the second child and eyed the pair intensely. "You imprinted?"

"I did, but I am very so-" Edward cut him off by holding up his hand and letting out a low chuckle.

"It's fine, you seem like a good kid." Seth's face went from afraid, to elated, before he nodded.

"Jacob I'm hoping you'll treat Renesmee good?" He asked looking at Jacob from over his shoulder.

Jacob's body went rigid, before he slowly nodded. Almost as if he wasn't sure if Edward was actually being serious or not. Which I guess was reasonable of him to think so, considering the fact that for the past 4 years Jacob has been uncontrollably in love with Bella and now he has gone and imprinted on her off spring.

Edward began walking away, when he turned back to Seth. "Would you like to name her?"

Instantly, Seth's tan face lit up like Christmas lights. "I would love to!" Though as he glanced around the room and took in everyone's surprised faces, he cleared his throat and shrugged, "I mean, if you'd like me too, I'm down."

Seconds later, his face scrunched up in thought, as he pondered. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes to many, many more minutes and I quickly began to grow annoyed and agitated.

"Well, spit it out." I hissed, causing him to jump at the sound of my voice.

He pondered a little while longer before finally saying, "Roslice Camilla Esme Cullen."

"It's a beautiful name, Seth." Alice beamed, her eyes wide with glee as she clapped her hands together cheerfully.

Rolling my eyes, I scoffed. "I suppose for a mutt you did a decent job.

Jake's head instantly snapped up in my direction and his eyes narrowed, as he growled "Watch it you dirty leech."

I could feel my face scrunch up in annoyance at his insult and just as I was about to respond, when Alice spoke up over me.

"Jacob, Rosalie, not in front of the babies!" She hissed lowly at the both of us, as she sent dirty glares at the both of us.

"She started it." Jacob muttered quietly.

"And I finished it, now shut up." Alice retaliated, narrowing her eyes at him as Jasper positioned himself right behind her, his face mirroring hers.

They stared him down a few more seconds as she anticipated his smart remark, but when it didn't come, a satisfied smirk made its way on to her face. "That's what I thought."

After a very long silence, the sound of heavy yet rapid footsteps could be heard echoing throughout the house, as Carlisle rushed down the stairs. His blonde hair was disheveled all over his head and from his lips fell the words we all had been waiting to hear.

"Bella's awake."

We all perked up in surprise. It had only been two days, the typical transformation took at least three, something about this was strange; but I wouldn't question, this was neither the time or the place for speculation, it was Bella's turn to meet her new offspring.

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