Chapter 14: Blamed

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Bella POV

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Wait, why are they coming for us?" I asked.

Carlisle sighed and shook his head. "I don't know Bella, it's obviously because of something we did."

I pondered on what we could've possibly done. I thought and thought until one thing popped into my mind.

"Roslice." I whispered, but I knew they heard.

"What?" Jake asked.

"Roslice!" I shouted a little louder, which made her jump.

"This is all your fault! My family is In danger because of you!" I added.

Hurt flashed In her eyes and she looked towards the ground. "I am your family."

"No, you're not! You're nothing to me, in my mind, I only gave birth to one baby girl, and that's Renesmee." I snarled.

"Bella, that's enough !" Carlisle shouted.

I was about to respond, when Esme did something I never thought she would do.

"No, Carlisle she's right. We're all being targeted because of her." She said, sending Roslice a glare.

Ness gasped. "Grandma! How can you say such a horrible thing!?" She asked.

"Ness, I do not have to explain myself to you. I am doing this for us, I will not let any of you die because of her!" She said.

"I don't see how any of this is my fault?" Roslice said, amusement clear In her tone.

"Well, then you're one dumb ass leech." Jake remarked. Roslice snarled, along with the rest of us.

"Watch it, mutt." Edward said.

"This coven is slowly destroying itself. It's obvious that Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett, we're the glue of this household." Roslice said, smirking.

"We do not need those traitors! And we most certainly do not need you, now get lost." I said, venom seeping through my words.

Her eyes widened, and she quickly sped out the front door.

Roslice POV

I sped into the forest, letting all my emotions go. I felt like my mother did, when my father left her. Yes, she told me the story, before she became evil mom from hell. She told me how unbearable the pain was, How she felt as though a hole had been punched through her chest. I use to think she was over exaggerating, but now I knew she wasn't. My stone cold heart was aching, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I stopped running, and leaned against the stump of a tree.

Maybe this is a test of strength, maybe someone wants to see how much I can take, or maybe just maybe if i'm lucky this is a dream, and at any moment I will wake up. I closed my eyes, and reopened them, only to realize, this was my life, my fucked up happily ever after. Only the fucked up part belonged to me, while happily ever after, belong to my twin Renesmee. I didn't get it sometimes, we were identical, alike in so any ways, yet they loved her more. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a twig snapping behind me.

I quickly prepared myself for the worst, and crouched In a fighting stance. Soon another twig snapped, followed by rustling leaves.

"Relax Rosie, it's just me ." A familiar voice said, stepping into view.

"Daddy.." I whimpered, running into Jasper's arms. He sighed and hugged me back.

"Dad, I've missed you.". I said.

"I've missed you too kido. How you been? We've been worried sick about you."

I whimpered at the thought of the Cullen's, and I guess He felt my pain Because He stiffened.

"Did they hurt you?" He asked, pulling back from our embrace.

I nodded slowly, remembering back to the day Bella hit me.

A low growl erupted from the back of his throat, and I knew he'd snap any moment.

"Where are the others?" I asked changing the subject.

"They won't be here until tomorrow, but I sped ahead, fearing the worst, you know scared you were hurt." He paused. "Good thing I came sooner." He muttered, more to himself than to me.

"Thank you, you know for caring." I said.

"Oh and Seth came with, he's patrolling the borders to keep himself calm." He said. I smiled with glee, I missed Seth, my Seth.

"Shall we head back, they won't dare hurt you while I'm there." He said.

"It's now or never." I responded, walking In the direction of the Olympic Coven's home.

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