Chapter 38: Letting go

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30 thousand! OMG! I can't believe this right now! I love you all So much! It wouldn't even be possible without you guys! Anyways....

Enjoy ♡

Edward sped into the forest, on his way to the special meadow. So many emotions rushed through him as he ran. He was so hurt and shocked that Bella.. His Bella thought so lowly of him.

He kept running, the scenery around him changing ever So quickly due to his speed.

"Fuck." He cursed, realizing that he had sped way past his original destination, and was now standing on Quileute land.

Could this day get any worst. He thought to himself, as he turned around to leave, but unfortunately came face to face with 4 livid tribe members.

Meanwhile back at home, Bella sat anxiously on the couch, awaiting Edward's return. She felt terrible for making such cruel accusations. Why had she been so stupid! Why hadn't she let him speak? To tell his side of the story?

She played with the hem of her floral shirt, as she waited eagerly. Not knowing when he was coming home, or if he was even coming home at all. She checked her wrist watch inpatiently

"Shit." She silently cursed, seeing the time it read.

9:00 p.m. and he still wasn't back. Something told her that something was off. She couldn't shake the feeling no matter how many times she tried to reassure herself, that he would not be wallking through that door at any time soon.

She stood to her feet hastily, and rushed to the house phone and dialed the only number she knew that she could.


"Um hey.. Alice it's Bella."

There was a groan from the other end of the phone. "What do you want.?"

"Edward's gone missing."

Alice's bell like laughter rung out through the speakers of the phone. "Oh no, honey I'm sure he just finally came to his senses and left you."

Bella sighed. "Alice please. This is serious."

"Alright.. alright. We'll be out there tonight for Roslice's big dinner.. I guess while we're there, we can help you look.. "

She paused awkwardly. "but only because he's my brother."

Bella squealed in delight. "Oh thank you thank you!! This means so-"

"Hello? Alice you there?"

She must've hung up. She thought.

Bella put the phone back in its holder, before retiring up the stairs to bed. She was a vampire, so sleep was not needed, but she was stressed and worried about Edward, but secrectly she missed her human life. Sometimes she liked to just lay down, and close her eyes.. It was the closest she would ever get to being human again.

Meanwhile, back at Voltarra, Alice stood in front of Aro, Caius, and Marcus. Behind her stood, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie, prepared for their departure to Forks.

"And when will you return?" Aro asked.

"Whenever everything that they need to know" -She pointed behind her. "is known."

"Oh?-" He questioned raising an eyebrow. "And what do they need to know?"

Alice slowly peaked over her shoulder, meeting the curious gazes of her husband and sibblings. They're faces screamed 'Tell us!' But She just turned her attention back to Aro.

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