Chapter 43: Whoa

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A/N Thank you all for the support and love you all have shown me through the course and journey of this book. I started out with literally 24 reads, and now I'm over 40 thousand!! So again thank you all, I couldn't do this without any of you. Now, As always.....

Enjoy (:


"Hello?" Ness spoke into her phone.

She carefully ducked and dodged past dancing wolves, and arguing vampires to get outside, and away from the music.

"Can you hear me now?" She questioned, holding her left ear to drown the music out.

There was a pause, obviously, the person on the other end of the phone was speaking.

"Yeah, are you sure? I mean-"

"But I'm not-"

She sighed heavily.

"Okay, we'll be there."

Ness, quickly hung up her phone, and raced back inside. No one had seemed to notice her look of panic yet. She ran towards the speakers, and hit pause on the song.

That seemed to get everyone's attention, seeing as they all turned around to face her curiously.

"Hey!" Leah screeched.

"My ear!" Alice retorted, holding the side of her head.

"Sorry.." Leah muttered softly.

"You will be." Alice said under her breath.

"Alice!" Jasper yelled.


"Excuse me!!" Renesmee screamed over everyone.

They all quieted down, and turned to look at her.

"Sam, I don't know how to tell you this, but homeland security just called me. There's been a break in at your home." She said quietly, but she knew he had heard her just from the way he was staring.

"Why'd they call you?" Leah snapped rudely, catching a seas of glares, and hisses.

"Leah!" Sam warned.

Everyone else faced front once more, while Ness only shrugged.

"Guess they couldn't reach you." She replied, not even acknowledging the fact that someone just snapped at her.

"But you're not a wolf or listed in the names of emergency callers Sam has listed just in case he can't be reached." Paul said.

Everyone hummed and nodded in agreement.

"Something's not right about this." Carlise stated, as he began to pace the room.

Rosalie sighed loudly. "Oh for crying out loud! Sam someone just broke into your house, and you think just because they called Renesmee, that something is off?" 

"Well- uh- when you put it like that, I guess it's not that bad."

"Good, so let's go check it out, so we can get back to this awesome party!" Roslice declared, walking towards the door, only to be pulled back.

"Uh-uh, you're pregnant you are not going anywhere."


"He's right, it's too dangerous." Seth's voice echoed from behind.

Instantly, everyone perked up, and jerked their bodies around quickly.

"Seth!" Roslice squealed, running into his already outstretched arms.

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