Chapter 13: Letter?

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Alice Point of View


"Edward we have to get rid of her." A feminine voice pleaded, Bella.

"I know, but Ness will notice if she goes missing." Edward sighed.

"She's not our responsibility, she can fend for her self." Bella argued.

"But Bella..-" He started, but stopped once He saw his lovers pleading face.

He sighed "Fine, go get the supplies."

She nodded and sped off somewhere, only to return seconds later carrying a bag.

"Let's get this over with." He said taking the bag and walking up the stairs.

~Vision over~

I snapped back to reality and gasped. Instantly Jasper was by my side.

"What'd you see ?" He asked.

"Bella and Edward.. they're.. they're." I stuttered.

"They what??!" Emmett roared.

"They're going to kill her." I croaked out.

Rosalie gasped. "When?"

"I don't know." I said, as Jasper rubbed shapes In my back.

"Well it was a vision so, it hasn't happened yet, right?" Rose asked.

I nodded.

"Then why are we still standing here and not helping saving my niece?!" Emmett yelled.

"It's us against them, and probably those damn mutts." Jasper said.

A smirk played on Rosalie's lips, she walked towards the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Volturi." she said before disappearing.out the door and down the hall.

Rosalie POV

I sped down the stairs and into the giant room. There, I stood before Aro, Marcus and Caius.

"What do you need, sister?" Jane asked.

"They have her." I said bluntly.

"What do you mean they have her?!" Alec yelled, running towards me quickly.

"Exactly what I said, she left to protect us, now we need to protect her." I stated lowly. "Plus Alice had a vision not to long ago." I added.

Aro's ears seem to perk up. "I'm listening."

"They're going to kill her." I said.

Gasps left the mouths of almost everyone. I didn't hve to say much more, for them to understand what I was asking.

"Jane, dear, go assemble the guard, and have them ready by noon. Looks like we're going to have to pay our dear friend Carlisle and his clan little visit." He said as Jane scurried off.

"What a shame, I always liked Carlisle." Marcus said folding his hands.

"A shame indeed, but all good things must end." Caius added.

"Rosalie, why don't you go fetch your siblings, so we may began our journey to this place you once called home." Aro said.

I nodded "Yes, you're right, thank you."

I sped up the stairs and into the room and almost instantly, everyone snapped their heads In my direction.

"Well?" They asked.

I smirked. "Let the games begin."

Roslices short POV

Currently, we were sitting In the living area of the main house. When suddenly the doorbell rang.

"Rosie, be a dear and grab that." Bella said, using the fakes voice I have ever heard.

I growled but got up anyway. I opened the door, to find nothing but an envelope, but not just an ordinary envelope, a envelope from Voltaire.

I smiled and walked back inside and everyone looked at me oddly.

"Why are you smiling?" Edward asked rudely.

"Oh, no reason, just happy to see we got a letter from Voltaire." I said smugly. Bella sped to me, and snatched the envelope.

I smirked and leaned against the wall, keeping eye contact with Edward and Ness.

"What does it say?" Edward asked.

"I don't know, it's In Italian." Bella muttered.

I smiled and skipped over to her, snatched it back and looked at Carlisle.

"Oh Carlisle, you speak Italian, translate for them will you." I said, handing him the envelope. He took it and opened it slowly

I could feel the smile creeping upon my face as he opened it.

As soon as his eyes scanned it, He took a shard intake of breath.

"Well??" Jake asked.

"They're coming for us."

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