Chapter 42

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Thank you all so fucking much for the Birthday comments! Gosh I love you all!! Anyhow, this is an update, and Thank you all for being patient and waiting!! As always.....

Enjoy ♡


"Do you think-?" Rosalie started, but was stopped.

"That He knows We're immortal? No shit." Seth growled in response, causing her to flinch.

"Seth!" Aro warned.

Seth growled against his warning, almost challenging him. His teeth were bared, and pupils dilated, but instead of doing something he'd regret, He turned around on his heel and stormed out the front door, and past a confused Jacob.

"Woah what-?" He started, walking inside.

"Don't even ask." Alice sighed, stalking off in the direction of the living room, with Jasper slowly trailing behind.

"I can't believe this." Marcus Hissed, going the same direction Alice did.

"That fucking imbecile!" Caius screeched, following him.

"Okay can someone fill me in?" Jake asked once more.

Everyone stayed silent, as they all filed into the living area.

"Hellloo?" Jake questioned once more.

"Some delivery boy might know about us." Ness whispered.

"What- How?!" He growled out, eyeing everyone there.

"Roslice kind of used her speed in front of him." Alice squeaked.

And just with the mention of her name, she walked into the living room with a cup of blood, completly oblivious to the fact she had put them unintentionally in danger.

"Where's Seth?" She questioned innocently, taking another swig from her cup.

"He um-" Emmett started, but was cut off.

"I knew you were trouble." Jake mumbled.

Everyone's head snapped in his direction, as gasps and hisses left the mouths of every vampire.

"Excuse me?" Roslice questioned, sitting her cup on the counter, folding her arms.

Jake looked up, meeting a pair of angry red eyes.

"You. Heard. Me." He growled out, clutching his fists together.

Roslice laughed dryly. "Sorry I didn't hear anything over your barking mutt."

"At least I'm no bloodsucker!" He yelled, before running forward, and pushing her slightly, causing her to stumble backwards.

Jasper and Emmett lunged forward. Jasper pushed Jacob back, as Emmett caught her stumbling figure. 

Everyone suddenly became very alert, and watched Jake's every move.

"Jacob!" Renesmee yelled, catching his attention.

He glanced over at her face, and already regretted his actions, but in his head he knew it was too late to turn back now, so instead of doing the right thing, he stood his ground.

"What?" He questioned, rather rudely.

Renesmee's face reddened, and contorted in anger.

"How dare you speak to her that way! She's your friend's girlfriend, and future mother of your niece and/or nephew!" She said taking a breath, and walking forward until she was standing in front of him.

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