Chapter 17: Revealed

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Currently, I was standing In front of Esme, as she stood on her knees before me. I was debating on what to do with her, when she suddenly started beg and plead, I ignored her, and continued on with my thinking.

What could I use her for, what use use would she be of to me. Suddenly, her whiny voice began to fill my ears.

"Aro, pleasee, I did No wrong!" She cried.

I laughed a sickly laugh, and eyed her.

"Tell me Esme, why is your husband the only one who is nice to her?" I asked, ignoring her pleas.

Her eyebrows furrowed and then as if something clicked In her mind, she began to viciously shake her head No.

"He's always been that way, I don't know what you mean." She argued back.

I smirked and bent down to her level.

"Oh my sweet Esme, you're lying to me!" I roared.

She began to dry sob a little harder, and rock back and forth.

"N-no I'm not!" she cried back.

"I suppose we need Jane then hmm?" I said. Instantly, her eyes went wide and she began to shake uncontrollably.

"No! Please!" She begged.

I smiled In satisfaction, "Well then Esme, you have some talking to do."

Roslice POV

We've been sitting In the big room, for a couple hours now. Marcus and Caius told us all to wait here, until Aro got what He needed out of Esme. We don't know what Aro is doing to her In that basement, but I'm Sure it's not good.

Occasionally, we'll here screams, sobs, and a lot of begging. She obviously knows something, we just don't know what.

I know it involves me, I just know it. I can't put my finger on it yet but I will.

I looked over to my mother and father, who seemed unfazed by all the screams leaving the basement.

I sighed, standing up and walking over to a portrait, that was hanging on the wall.

It was of the whole Voltarri guard back In 1612. I looked at all their faces, they were so young, and flawless. I scanned the photo, when I spotted Carlisle.

His features were very defined In the painting, so real. As i continued looking at his face, I soon started to notice that some of his feature were similar to mine.

No, not the paleness, or How beautiful us vampires were, but I mean his nose, and his eyes. The one dimple He had, when He smiled.

It couldn't be, there's No way He could be my father. Edward was my dad right?? It isn't possible to have two kids from two different people at one time is it?

Carlisle POV

I paced silently In my office. I didn't know what they were doing to Esme, hell if she was even still alive!

I didn't know if they would make her crack under all the pressure. I wasn't ready to tell anyone anything, not yet at least.

There were many things my family didn't know. They don't know that Esme and I were No longer married. We got a divorce shortly after she discovered that Roslice was my biological child.

How this is possible, is still a mystery to me. I'm a vampire it shouldn't have happened.

It doesn't justify what I did. I should've never slept with Bella, it was an awful mistake and everyday I wish I could take it back, but I can't.

I don't know How to tell Edward. I can't tell Edward, I won't. As much as I want to be In Roslice's life, I can't.. what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

I know what's coming. Aro and the guard will show up, they'll use that information against me, but I'll make Sure the family thinks Aro's just manipulating them, then poof problem solved!

I'll do what I can to make Sure that No one knows the dirty deed that went on between myself and Bella. Bella and I agreed to that a long time ago. Rosie can go on believing that She's unwanted.

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