Chapter 40: What the Hell?

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I love you all! Thank you all the support and love, This couldn't be possible without you guys, I mean seriously guys!! So please...

Enjoy ♡


"Edward..?" Sam questioned, peeking into the guest room.

When there was no response, He opened the door a bit. The room was dark, and cold, but with his Heightened senses, Sam was able to sniff Edward out.

"Edward." Sam called out once more.

"Please.. Leave me be." He pleaded.

Sam sighed, walking forward until He was standing behind Edward.

"You can't stay here."

Edward sighed heavily. "I can't go back there.. She'll be there." He dry sobbed.

Sam chuckled slightly. "It's been an hour, she's still drunk.. Go."

"You don't get it.." Edward trailed off.

Sam could see Edward's silhouette slumped over on the edge of the bed sadly. He sighed.

"Then help me." Sam urged.

"Imagine having to give up Emily, not by choice but because you knew she was no longer herself."

He had never thought of it that way. Several thoughts rushed through Sam's mind. Emily was his pride and joy, giving her up would kill him. Edward was right, He didn't get it, nor did He ever want to..

"My point exactly." Edward bluntly stated.

Sam squinted in confusion.

"Huh..? Oh right mind reading thing." He muttered.

For some while, Sam stood there awkwardly, slowly rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.

Edward stayed silent, completly oblivious to the fact that Sam was hovering over him, and the thoughts of letting him stay were rushing through his mind.

Sam sighed, and rubbed his temples softly. "You can stay."

When Edward said Nothing, He turned on His heels, and headed towards the door, but then He stopped and looked over his shoulder.

"But only for tonight."


"Seth, I'm hungry.." Roslice whined, looking up from the television.

Seth chuckled, and stood to his feet quickly. "I'll take you hunting then, come on."

He held his hand out for her to take, but she shook her head, refusing it, and pouted some more.

"I want food." She wailed, crossing her arms.

His brows furrowed, and He glanced down curiously at her.

"Food?" He questioned.

She nodded eagerly in reply. "Steak!"

"Steak?" He repeated.

She huffed. "Seth.."

He threw his hands up in surrender, and grabbed the phone. He waited, listening to the dial tone, before someone answered.

"Ah Yeah, Hello. I'd like to order your signature Steak."

There was a brief pause, obviously the person taking the order was speaking.

"Mhmm, sounds great.. thanks." And with that, Seth hung up the phone.

He turned around, and looked at his mate. She was sprawled out over the couch fast alseep.

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