Chapter 26: Taken

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Rosalie POV

"Hey Alice?" I asked.

She looked up at me for a brief second. "Hmm?"

"Does it bother you one bit that the whole time Bella and Edward have been here they haven't tried to speak to Rosie?" I paused,"Not even Carlisle."

She sighed. "Yes, it does, but we can't change their minds."

"Yeah, Alice is right, the most we can do, is be there for Rosie. Show her that she doesn't need them in her life, because we love her." Jasper added.

I smiled, looking over at a sleeping Roslice. They're right, we love her and that's all that matters. But I couldn't shake the feeling of change. There was something different about her, She wasn't as snappy at Bella and Edward as usual, but maybe that was her being the better person.

I shook off my thoughts, as there was a knock at the door, we all furrowed our eyebrows.

"Yes?" I asked walking over to the door and opening it.

"You all are needed in the Grand room." The timid girl replied.

"Did they say why?" Emmette asked.

"No, but Aro doesn't seem very happy." She stated, scurring away.

I held the door open, turing to look at my sibblings. "Shall we?" I asked.

They all hesitantly nodded, as Japser picked up Roslice, and headed out of the room.

Third Person Point of View

Everyone quickly, yet quietly entered the room. No asked questions, they only waited patiently. One by one, each King entered the room, and took their seats, all except Aro. He stood, eying everyone In the room. Almost as if He were searching for someone who didn't belong. His eyes were burning holes through every vampire In the room, so there was No doubt that He was angry.

"I've gotten word that..." He trailed off. He was silent for some time, perhaps trying to find the right words to say.

"Go on brother." Caius said.

Although they all were dying to, No one moved, nor asked any questions.  "That.. someone amongst us In this room is not who they say they are." He finished.

Gasps echoed throughout the room, mouths dropped, and eyes widened. Yet still, No one spoke.

"How do you know?" Rosie, who was now awake asked.

"Jane, bring out the informant." Marcus said. Jane nodded and quickly sped out of the, only to emerge seconds later with a young man following her. His piercing red eyes scanned the room, the same way Aro did when he entered.

"This-" Aro said pointing to the young man."Is Matthew Jennings." He finished.

Someone In the room scoffed, earning the attention of The 3 kings, and young Matthew.

"How would he know who anyone is suppose to be? He doesn't know us!" Rosalie accused the man.

Aro smiled. "His gift allows him to see past any glamour. Someone In this room is hiding behind a glamour, pretending to be someone they are not."

At his words, Roslice tensed up, but no one noticed.

"Now I'll only ask this once, will the Imposter please step forward?" Caius asked, scanning the face in the crowd.

Throughout the room, everyone exchanged curious looks, but no one moved. A small, yet visible smile, appeared on the face of Matthew.

"Fine, have it your way. I'll expose you myself." He said.

He stepped forward and closed his eyes, only to reopen them seconds later, this time they were purple.

He scanned the room two, three times, until he stopped. Everyone froze, and followed his gaze. Everyone gasped, as shock covered their faces. Jasper embraced Alice as she dry sobbed into his shirt. Bella tightened her grip on Edward's hand, Carlisle looked broken, and Emmett looked ready to kill, if not for the death grip Rosalie had on his shirt.

"It took you long enough." Roslice, or the imposter spoke.

"Where is She?!" Emmett roared angrily.

The imposter just laughed. "That's for me to know, and if you all are cooperative, you'll find out."

"What do you want?" Alice sobbed.

"Oh, only what is rightfully mine." The imposter trailed off, as it slowly began to reveal itself. "The throne." it said, but by now it was clear that the imposter was a woman.

"It will never happen!" Aro yelled, his eyes narrowing into slits at the woman.

She laughed. "You really don't recognize me do you?"

He squinted, but still seemed lost.

"It's me brother.." She finally said.

All of the kings shot to their feet, eyes wide, and mouths opened.

"Melina?" They all whispered slowly.

"In the flesh." Melina Taunted, as she walked forward sending Matthew a dirty glance.

"If you would've given me a little bit more time," She inhaled deeply, "I could've been Queen!"

"Not exactly." Matthew responded.

Melina smiled. "And care to inform me of why not?"

He chuckled slightly. "You see, I'm always around the palace, whether it be outside, in here, or just around."

Her smile never altered. "Another gift?"

"Yes indeed." He responded.

The two seemed so caught up in their own conversation, that they didn't notice all of the other distraught vampires in the room.


They both turned to look at the source of the throat clearing, and it lead to Jasper.

"Where is my daughter.?" He asked as calm as possible.

A warning growl came from the throat of Edward.

"She isn't yours." He growled.

Emmett scoffed. "Well she sure as hell isn't yours, huh Eddie Boy."

Edward was about to lunge when Bella spoke up.

"How dare you." She hissed.

This time Rosalie spoke. "How dare he?! No, How dare you! You whore!"

"Rose!" Carlisle yelled.

Rose sent him a dirty glare and returned to her spot next to Emmett. From next to Matthew, there was a round of applause from Melina.

"What a nice group of people you've got here." She teased sarcastically.

Aro snarled. "Where is she Melina?"

She only smiled In response. "Patience, brother."

He trudged over to the nearest wall and punched right through it. Esme shuttered at this motion, yet tried to calm him anyway.

"Go cool off, I'll handle it." She spoke softly.

He gave Melina one final glare, and the he was off.

"Melina please, give her back to us." Alice pleaded.

Melina made a tsk noise and smiled. "Now, why would I do that?"

"Please, Melina have a heart. She'll need her inhaler soon." Jasper begged.

"She has asthma?" Bella Questioned.

Alice scoffed. "Yes, but you wouldn't know that, now would you?"

Suddenly, the giant doors burst open to reveal Nessie and her wolf companion Jake.

"She's not alone!" She panted out.

Everyone gave her puzzled glances.

"What?" Emmett asked.

"She has an army.."

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