Chapter 6: The Reunion

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Roslice 's Point of View

4 years later

I was currently sitting in my room staring up at the ceiling. Tonight was the 164th annual Blood Ball, every vampire in existence would be here tonight in honor of the Volturi. I was given strict orders not to come out until the festivities started, which was in about 15 minutes and sadly, I was no where near prepared.

Sitting up, I swung my feet over the edge of the bed. My dress was laying beside me, as I stood to my feet sluggishly and began to remove the rollers from my black hair. My life is kind of perfect, my parents, Alice and Jasper, are everything I could ever ask for. Ever since I was younger, I've been aware of the treatment I recieved from Edward and Bella, but after a while I wasn't really bothered. Especially after we arrived at Voltaire. They gave us a place to stay, and even became my family in the process, so there was nothing to be down about. I mean, how could I be down about anything when I have people who were willing to love me unconditionally? But anyways, I wasn't really feeling the ball tonight. Everyone had to wear red and only vampires were aloud, well vampires and the humans they fed from.

As I was adjusting the straps on my dress, the door to my room squeaked opened, causing me to turn around swiftly.

"Daddy!" I yelled, throwing my arms around his neck tightly.

He grunted slightly, before hugging me back and replying, "Hello to you too, Rosie. Are you ready?"

Pulling out of his embrace, I quickly threw my black heels on and nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be."

We headed out of my room and began to walk down the hall. The sound of laughter and chatter could be heard, as we grew closer and closer to the entry way of the ball room.

"By the way you look gorgeous, all grown up." I could hear my dad mutter from over my shoulder. A small smile creeped on to my face, as I playfully hit his arm and whispered a thank you.

He chuckled slightly at my shyness and continued to follow me down the stairs and into the ball room. As soon we stepped through the door, I spotted mom and aunt Rose. Instantly, we all locked gazes and just like that, they came running.

"Hey, mom." I said, hugging her softly.

Her short hair was riddled in little white flowers, and her body was hugged by a long, black ball gown. Aunt Rose on the other hand was dressed in a short, red dress and black pumps. Her blonde hair was curled and pinned up in a simple bun.

"You look beautiful, Roslice." Aunt Rose stated, kissing my cheek. "You're growing up too fast for my liking, you were just a week old like yesterday."

I laughed loudly, "I kind of was."

She nudged my shoulder, rolling her eyes at my joke. Feeling like someone was watching me, I glanced over my shoulder and peeped that my dad was watching me like a hawk. "Dad, go have fun I'll be fine." I said, giving him a nudge towards my mother.

"Honey, what's the matter?" She asked him, but he stayed silent staring intensely across the room. I turned my head and followed his gaze, until I landed on the unwanted guests.

The Cullen Clan.

I rolled my eyes almost in an instant. How could I have possibly let it slip my mind that they would be here? This ball was for every single vampire in existence, so of course they would be included in that invite, but I didn't actually think they would be here.

Jasper's Point of View

I could see them, the Cullens, making their way over to where we stood. I quickly stood in front of Alice and Roslice, while Emmett rushed over and did the same to Rose. I knew they'd be here tonight, I just didn't think they would be bold enough to approach us.

Once they reached us, Carlisle was the first to break the thick coat of silence.

"Jasper." He said, nodding his head in my direction curtly.

"Carlisle." I replied plainly, never taking my eyes off of Edward and Bella.

"Where is she?" Bella questioned, attempting to look over my should to no prevail. I went to open my mouth to answer her question, but Roslice stepped from behind me and stepped forward.

"Right here, Bella." She answered bluntly, folding her arms in the process, causing me to chuckle.

Bella looked taken back, but recovered quickly. "Excuse me?"

Sighing heavily, Roslice replied, "Did I stutter?"

"Don't speak to your mother that way Roslice Cullen!" Edward shouted. As the words left his mouth, my eyes immediately begin to twitch in anger. I slightly crouched and was about to lunge, when Roslice spoke up.

"Mom, did I disrespect you in any way?" she asked, turning towards Alice, who shook her head no. I chuckled, which earned me a glare from Bella, as I stood to my feet.

"Oh and by the way, it's Roslice Volturi." she spat coldly. Almost instantly, everyone looked shocked.

"Wait, what?"Edward stuttered out, looking from me to Roslice and back again.

"You heard me, I am no longer a Cullen." she replied. Before he could say anything Renesmee stepped forward. Her brown hair framed her heart shaped face softly, as her she brought her hands up to her chest sadly.

"Rosie, how could you say that? You're a Cullen forever and you know it." She said, grabbing a hold of Roslice's hand. "What mom and dad did during the beginning of our lives, had nothing to do with me."

A very bitter laugh fell from Roslice's lips instantly, as she spoke, "You had everything to do with it! It was always about you, always about what you could do and what I couldn't do." She spat, snatching her hand back, causing Renesmee to cringe away slightly, which emitted a hiss out of Bella.

"Roslice.." I warned, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"No dad, it's true." She stated, instantly out of the corner of my eye, I see and sense Edward's displeasure. "I only have one sister and her name is Jane!" She continued and within seconds Jane was by her side. Her blonde hair pinned up in a messy bun by a red ribbon and her body was clothed in a black robe.

"Problem, sister?" She questioned curiously pushing some of her blonde hair behind her ear softly.

"One word, Cullen." Roslice replied back to her, which I'm return made Jane shiver.

"Yikes, how pitiful." Jane muttered, turning her head slowly and finally laying eyes on the Cullen Clan. Her pupils dilated and she swiftly stood protectively in front of Roslice.

"Hello, Jane." Bella said coldly.

"Uhuh." She scoffed in reply, as she rolled her eyes simultaneously.

"Hey Jane, wanna dance?" Roslice asked excitedly, Justin Bieber began to blast thru the speakers just in time for Jane to reply.

"Lets go!" She yelled, as they both headed to the dance floor.

"What the hell was that!?" Edward shouted over the music, causing me to cringe. Our ears were already sensitive, he didn't need to yell.

"My nieces." Rose muttered back, her lips forming into a sly smirk shortly after.

"I'm her sister, I'm your niece!" Ness shouted angrily.

"Genetically, that's correct, but there is no emotional bond there and there never will be." I stated broadly.

Bella and Edward sent us glares, comforting Renesmee as she started to cry.

"Well if you excuse us, We have a ball to enjoy." Rose said, grabbing Emmett, who yelled, "Hell yeah!" As we all headed towards the dance floor happily.

"Nice seeing you again, Cullen's." I stated, before leading Alice to the dance floor with the rest of my family.

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