Chapter 21: Explanation

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Bella Point of View

I watched as my husband's beautiful face twisted in confusion, anger, but most of all, hurt. I'm sure he couldn't understand why I did it, sure he was questioning himself, wondering if it was anything he had done, or maybe something he had said. But, it wasn't, he hadn't done anything, it was all me in a moment of weakness.

"Bella, how could you?" Edward's broken voice asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I just stared at the snow covered ground, not knowing how to address him, or the situation. It was no use in hiding it from everyone else, they were all here, our cousins, my husband, my daughter, the Volturi Guard, hell even the wolves.

"Edward I-I don't even know what to say.." I began, but was interrupted Edward.

"You've said and done enough." He muttered.

I was about to respond, but again was interrupted, but this time by a voice I thought would never chime in.

"Mom, how could you do this to dad, to me?" Ness whispered from across the field, but I still heard her.

I looked up for a moment, just long enough to see the look of disappointment in her eyes. I was about to respond, when Aro's sickly voice echoed across the field.

"Since that's all out in the open, looks like my job here is done." He stated smugly.

"Yes brother, I couldn't agree more." Marcus added agreeing.

"Let's go home, shall we?" Cauis asked.

"We shall." Roslice responded, as everyone else behind her nodded in agreement.

"Wait!" I yelled, running forward a few steps.

"Yes, Isabella?" Aro asked, turning to face us all again.

"What about Reneesme," Carlisle said, trailing off. "And my w-wife?"

I knew he wasn't ready to tell everyone about him and Esme no longer being together, so I didn't give it a second thought, I just wanted my daughter back.

Aro laughed a sickly laugh, and motioned for Jane to escort Ness back our way.

"As for Esme, let's just say, I no longer needed her assistance." He smirked, as he watched Carlisle's face contort in anger and sadness. Jane grabbed Ness' arm and dragged her our way. Just as they were about to reach us, Aro called out to Jane.

"Yes, Master?" She asked, looking back at him.

"You know what to do?" He replied darkly.

She smiled and nodded obediently. "Of course, Master."

She turned and looked at Ness, who looked scared out of her wits. We all watched intensely, watching Jane's every move, and by time we realized what she was doing, it was far too late. She looked up at us, a sly smirk playing on her lips as she spoke that one cruel word.


Instantly, Ness hit the ground withering in agonizing pain. By now Jake, had fazed back into his human form, changed, and at our side.

"Stop! Please!" He begged, dropping to his knees.

"Aro, please." I whimpered as my daughter panted and cried.

Aro chuckled and shook his head, "Jane."

"Yes, Master?" She questioned playfully.

"Release her." He instructed plainly.

Jane nodded, and released Ness from her agonizing power. Immedietly she was into Jake's arms and back on our side.

"Farewell Cullens, hopefully we won't have this problem again." Aro warned, as the whole Volturi Guard sped off into the forest. The run back to the house was fast, yet quiet. Edward wouldn't look at me, let alone talk to me. Ness ignored me, as did Jake. Now, I know how Roslice felt.

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