Sherlock: Lost and Found (Part 2)

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Previously on Sherlock BBC Imagines...

But there was no Johanna to check on.

She was gone.


Sherlock entered a frenzy, searching every nook and cranny in the flat. John joined him, waking up only when Sherlock had flipped over his chair he was sleeping in and yelled, "WE'VE LOST JOHN, JOHANNA. I MEAN JOHN-HANNAH- YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!" Immediately he gathered himself from the floor to help the detective. But the more they looked, the less evidence they found that Johanna was still here, and little by little their hopes plummeted. The only trace of her left in the flat was the plate with cookie crumbs on it that Mrs. Hudson still hadn't washed. It sat on the table and Sherlock closed his eyes, entering his mindpalace and remembering just yesterday when she sat there smiling up at him with her toothy grin.

He would find her. He had to. And maybe when he did, (y/n) and him could be together, could be a family. But first, he had to search. Right on cue his phone pinged! and he diverted his attention momentarily to a new text message that he had received. From Moriarty. Jim Moriarty.

Missing little Johanna? it read. Sherlock immediately tensed up, clenching his fists and biting his tongue. His daughter was with a psychopath, a murderous psychopath. His phone pinged! again, another message.

Not responding? I guess you don't mind her dying. Sherlock typed quickly.

What do you want?

You of course, what else?  Sherlock shuddered, remembering the last time that Moriarty wanted something from him he ended up jumping off a building. Well kind of.


You know where.

Sherlock really didn't know where. He had no clue. His thinking had been clouded by the fear of losing his daughter.

Actually you don't know where, just trying to play with you. That's what predators do to their prey right? 68 Halliford Street. 10 minutes.

Sherlock allowed himself to breathe a sigh of relief, then grabbed his coat, scarf, and doctor, and sprinted out the door.


The warehouse was exactly 5 minutes from 221B. It took only one turn to get there. Sherlock realized he had passed this warehouse many times, but he was usually lost in thought. As he walked up to the main door, he glanced up towards the rows of windows that lined the 15 floors of the building. He swore he saw a head poke back inside one when he looked up, but when he looked again, the window was closed as though it had never been opened. Stepping through the door, Sherlock instantly heard voices. He walked down a hall towards a cracked open door that bled a streak of light into the musty lighting. Sherlock motioned behind to John that it was safe to come forward, but of course, John's first step resulted in him stepping on a banana peel and landing quite loudly on his buttocks. Sherlock turned his head away from John when he heard the door open. Moriarty's head poked out.

"That's where the banana peel went," he laughed shrilly, his voice breaking higher and higher through the notes. Sherlock heard John get up behind him. At that moment Johanna poked her head out the door.

"Daddy!" she squealed, but she didn't run out to him. Something was holding her back. "Hurry up and come in, we're about to have tea!" She darted inside the room and disappeared.

"Well you heard the girl," smirked Moriarty, "we're about to have tea." Sherlock ignored John's protest as he stepped in the room. He tried to hid his surprise - it was decorated pink from the floor to the ceiling. A single table sat in the middle of the room, it's pink wooden legs standing on the fuzzy pink carpet. Four pink chairs sat around it and Sherlock knew who they were for. He looked around for Johanna and found her rummaging in her bag by the wall, and when she looked up, she smiled happily at her father.

"Daddy sit down," she said, going up to one of the chairs and sitting down. She padded a seat next to her, then on her other side patted that one too. "Jaime come sit by me too!" she invited. Jaime? John and Sherlock exchanged a look.

"Of course Johanna," remarked Moriarty, bouncing over to her and sitting down. The two of them turned around and looked expectedly at you two. Sherlock froze, not really sure why Johanna liked him so much. Him. Of all people. But he would play along, exactly how Moriarty liked him to. Anything to get Johanna home safe and sound.

"Well John, shall we sit down?" Sherlock announced, turning to face his doctor friend, and giving him a look that said follow my lead. The pair took their respected spots and Johanna looked around happily.

"Tea anyone?" she asked.

"Me please!" said Moriarty, giggling like a little girl. He smiled sweetly at Johanna, then grinned evilly at Sherlock. Sherlock felt his skin itch in disgust.

"What have you been doing today Johanna?" asked Sherlock. Johanna set down the kettle and took a big gulp of her tea.

"Jaime took me shopping and bought me new toys. We've just been playing those!" Sherlock glanced up at Moriarty, but he was looking down innocently at his tea.

"What kind of toys?" asked John.

"Oh you know..." She suddenly got very nervous, a guilty look coating her sharp features. "A chainsaw." John gulped down fear, and Sherlock felt anger bubble inside his stomach. He didn't understand what Moriarty was playing at.

"Are you ready to come home?" asked Sherlock, testing the water to see if "Jaime" turned back into Jim. But Moriarty didn't resist, only continued to sip his tea.

"Yes daddy!" she said. "But can Jaime come with us?"

"No," stated Sherlock sharply. Suddenly he grabbed Johanna up from the chair, darted across the room to grab her backpack, and sprinted to the door. He expected something, anything from Moriarty, but when he turned around, he still sat there. Johanna began to cry.

"Daddy stop, you're scaring me."

"Johanna no whining, we're leaving," he growled. She began to cry louder, squirming her body and reaching out towards Jaime who sat in his chair, not even turned around facing them.

"Jaime!" she cried. At the sound of his name, Moriarty turned around. He devilish black eyes had turned into pools of brown, and he looked sincerely at Johanna.

"We'll finish our tea party another time." And then he whispered, as if John and Sherlock couldn't hear him, "And we'll make sure no grown ups ruin-" Sherlock left out the door, not giving wanting Johanna to be around Moriarty another second. Sherlock sped out of the building and back to the flat. On the way his brain digested everything that just happened in the past, he checked his watch, 45 minutes.

It did not appear that Moriarty had hurt Johanna in any way. It was quite the opposite. It stung his heart a little as he realized his own little creation was attached to such a demonic human. But Moriarty was manipulative. It bothered Sherlock that Moriarty was befriending his daughter, bringing her closer and closer.. But for what reason? Surely he would not hurt her.

And then it hit the detective.

Moriarty would never hurt Johanna. It was another game. And Johanna was the pawn. He was befriending her for the sake of hurting Sherlock, trying to take away any joy and happiness in his life, trying to get under his skin and drive him as insane as Moriarty himself was.


This had turned into a 3 parter! But before the next part I'm going to write a request, then I'll come back and finish this.

I feel like my writing, on a scale of 1-10, has been about a 5 for like the past 4 months and I don't know why. BUT I'm trying to build myself back up to my prime, so stick around.

Random: If you could keep only one memory, what would it be?

Okay that's all for now. Hope to see you soon.

Thank you for reading. I love you all! Remember if you ever need anyone to talk to or anything I'M HERE.



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