Sherlock: Just the Friend (Part 2)

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Here is part 2

Ask and you shall receive, my children


"You thought she actually fainted?" you asked in disbelief, laughter bubbling out of you. It was hilarious really because if Sherlock ever proposed to you, you'd probably actually faint.

"I don't see what's so funny," he replied. His lips were curling back into a smile, a laugh playing on the corner of his voice. He was trying not to laugh at you, not that he'd ever admit that. It was just so funny how you put your whole body into it when you laughed - your shoulders shaking, your body rocking forwards and backwards, your hand smacking your knee.

"The fact that you have a big enough head to think that she was so happy to marry you that she couldn't even stay conscious, that's what funny," you answered, wiping a tear that had escaped your eye from laughing so hard.

He tried to sit up in the hospital bed, wincing here and there. "Are you saying that no one would be happy to marry me?"

"No one besides yourself," you winked. He winced again, gritting his teeth together in pain. "Slow down tiger," you said, standing up to aid him. You eyed the bandage on side, biting your lip in sympathy for him.

"No pity looks please," he said, pulling the sheet up over it.

"It wasn't a pity look, I know you deserved it," you teased, going to sit back down. There was an awkward pause, so you decided to fill it. "So you really don't know who shot you?"

He looked at you for a second before darting his eyes away. "No idea," he replied, his voice low.

"Why do I not believe you?" you asked, seeing right through his small response. Sherlock always had something to say, so why not now?

"Subject change," he said quickly, and you watched his hand slip to the morphine knob, moving it to the max. You swatted his hand away, moving it back down the doctor's suggestion. "Really? Did you get shot? Do you know how much pain I'm in?" he asked. He put his hand back on the morphine knob, but your words stopped him from raising it.

"No, but I do know that you're an addict, and this is the first step back to being a senseless druggy who cares only about himself. You gave us a scare awhile ago. Good thing Molly slapped some sense back into you, literally," you said, and his hand moved away.

You watched him settle back into bed, still wincing. Then he looked at you, a smirk painting itself on his chapped pink lips. "Remember when your dad got his appendix taken out in the hospital that one time, and when your mom took us to see him we snuck away?"

"And we locked ourselves in a surgery room and you pretended to do brain surgery on me?"

"I was actually very tempted to cut your head open and inspect your brain," he said in all seriousness.

"Of course you were," you laughed, shaking your head. "And then the security guards had to break open the door and escort us back to my parents? Oh man, they were so mad." You both erupted into another fit of giggles, thinking back to simpler times, back when you two went to visit other people in the hospital, not each other.

"What about when we were 12 and you forced me to go to Mandy Bennett's birthday party with you?"

"Hey, that don't blame me for that disaster," you chuckled. "You were the one that told her what all her presents were before she opened them and then-"

"I know, I told her that her parents forgot to feed her bunny while she went to summer camp and that's how it died," he said, holding up a hand to silence you.

"How did you even know that? You never told me."

"I never told you a lot of things," he smirked evilly. You rolled your eyes. "We're even though, you never told me a lot of things either, I had to deduce them myself," he stated matter-of-factly in that smart aleck Sherlock Holmes tone of his.

"Hey," you said, punching him on the arm. He winced from the movement, and you instantly apologized, remembering he was just shot awhile ago. "Sorry, erm, I forgot," you mumbled, then turned angry again. "But explain yourself! What exactly do you think I never told you? You were my best friend! I told you everything!" You had a bad feeling you knew exactly what he was talking about.. He knew you had liked. He continued smirking at you. You wanted to kiss it off. Uh, I mean slap it off, you thought, autocorrecting yourself. "Tell me!" you said. "Or else I'll punch you where you got shot."

He opened his mouth like he was going to say something, and he sat up slightly. "Never mind," he said, laying back down in bed and smiling cheekily at you.

"That's it, I'm done with you Sherlock Holmes," you said, getting up and walking to the door. You didn't want to leave, but because the truth about your feelings towards him were about to be revealed by Sherlock himself, you wouldn't mind running out the door.

"I wish you would've told me," he said, as your hand was on the doorknob.

You sighed, then turned around. "Okay, I'll admit it, I had a crush on you," you groaned, going back to sit down in the chair. "And wait, you wish I would've told you? Why?" Suddenly you wanted to stay here and talk forever.

"Had?" he asked, raising his eyebrow and referring to what you said before, purposefully ignoring your question.

You gulped down your nervousness. The look he was giving you... He felt this building electricity between you two too, didn't he? You licked your lips nervously. He wouldn't stop staring, like he was waiting for you to go on, to admit your feelings. Like it was just that easy. "Well I didn't tell you then if I did, so why would I tell you now?" you replied as smoothly as possible.

His eyes twinkled. "I'll guess I'll just have to deduce it out myself."


Another update, woohoo!

I love having so much time that I can update all the time. I LOVE IT!

I also love the tv show Sherlock and all the actors and actresses (especially Rupert Graves) but like I think you already knew that but idk, just reminding you

Random: I need suggestions for funny and cute Christmas imagines! (Also, I will probably only be doing two so I apologize in advance if I don't choose yours, just know that I'm picking based off of what I think is manageable to write on Christmas Eve and Christmas, and the mood that I'm in in that current moment. Just know that all of your minds are brilliant, and I hate having to choose!)

"Every time a bell rings and angel gets its wings."
- Zuzu Bailey (It's A Wonderful Life)

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