Sherlock: Just the Friend

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Request for leona_misfit


Your phone rang in your pocket and you hurried to answer it so that the people on the train would stop glaring.

"Hello?" you spoke into the receiver.

"Erm, hi (y/n)," said a nervous voice.

"Hey John, what's up?" you asked, a little curious as to why he called. You two were friends and had gotten close over the past couple years. But not the kind of close where he just called to chat. He usually only called if something was wrong with Sherlo- "What's wrong with Sherlock?" you asked, interrupting your own thoughts.

"Uh, well, I was just wondering if he had mentioned anything to you about.."

"About what?" you asked hungrily. What was it this time? More drug usage? Dangerous case? Bad injury?

"About.. a girlfriend."

Your dropped the phone and it clattered loudly onto the subway floor. Annoyed looks were thrown your way and you picked up the phone, hoping John was still on the line. "Uh sorry about that," you sputtered.

"Don't worry, I was shocked too."

Shocked? More like sad and angry. How could the tosser not tell you? You had been best friends for ages, since you both danced around in diapers. Maybe John just didn't know what he was talking about. "Are you sure he has a girlfriend? Who would be crazy enough to even be his girlfriend." Me, you thought to yourself. You facepalmed yourself to shut up. More looks. You were just trying to bury the thoughts that you had fought so long to hide, thoughts that you knew would ruin the perfect friendship you two had. But, when you thought about it, that would explain his sudden drop of talking to you. You honestly hadn't talked to him in 3 weeks, and now knowing that it was because of a girlfriend... Jealousy bubbled in you.

"I'll let you know what I find out."


You walked up the steps and were about to knock forcefully on the door of 221B, when the door opened up unexpectedly and none other than Janine Hawkins, Mary's maid of honor, walked out. She turned around to kiss some curly haired tall person, who you realized was Sherlock. "Now be a good boy while I'm gone," she purred to him. "Or else," she threatened, reaching her hand around to slap his arse. You winced. This was uncomfortable.

"Oh, I'll make sure to be a bad boy now for sure," replied Sherlock, and you sucked in a sharp breath. Make that super uncomfortable.

Janine giggled, planted another kiss on his lips, then turned to prance down the stairs. "Oh hi (y/n) darling," she said, kissing your cheek and going on her way. You watched leave in shock, unable to believe what you had just witnessed. You turned back to Sherlock who waved to her once more, then a blank stare instantly came over him.

"Hello (y/n), what brings you here?" he asked.

"Inside. Now," you ordered. He raised an eyebrow at you, but followed your demand and led you inside then up the stairs. Once in the living room he took a seat in his usual chair, and you stood in front of him, arms crossed. "Explain."

"Are you asking for the definition, or would you like me to explain something? If so, please state what, but be aware even I have limits for what I can explain."

"Oh cut the bullshit Holmes. Since when has Janine been your girlfriend?" you asked.

"She's not my girlfriend," he said, standing up and heading into the kitchen.

"Then what the hell is she?" you asked, storming after him.

"An asset."

"Oh is that what guys call their girlfriends now?"

He had been digging around in the fridge and turned around to look at you, a curious expression glazing his face. "Why are you so upset by this?" he asked.

You felt your face redden, and you struggled to get the spotlight off of you and your feelings. "I asked you a question first," you said.

"Fine," he sighed, walking past you back into the living room towards his laptop. "If you must know, I'm just using her," he said, sitting down and immediately typing.

Your jaw dropped and you marched over to him. You raised your hand and slapped him. "How dare you Sherlock Holmes! How dare you use a woman for your own sexual desires! You should be ashamed of yourself! What would your mother say?"

He immediately stood up, rubbing his face where you slapped him. "She would say don't assume, it makes an ass out of you and me."

"What?" you asked.

"I'm using her to get access to Magussen's office. Don't worry, it will all be over tomorrow. I just have to propose tonight and then as soon as I get what I need-"

"Wait a sec - propose?"

"Uh, yeah, how else am I going to get her to trust me enough that she let's me up into the office?"

"So you're fake proposing to a girl?" you asked one more time, just to clarify.

"Well, yeah," he responded, then frowned. "You seem put off."

"No, I'm totally fine," you thought, happy to find out that this whole nightmare was not real. "Just wondering how she'll take it when she finds out. Usually when a guy proposes it means that, you know, he loves her. Not that he used her to get ahead in a case," you said, finally breaking into a smile.

He shrugged his shoulders. "She'll be fine."

You chuckled. "Oh Sherlock, only you could think a woman would 'be fine' after some guy she really likes proposes to her."

"Well if I proposed to you, wouldn't you get over it easy?" he asked.

Your eyes widened like a deer in headlights and you looked up to find him waiting patiently for your answer. "Uh, well, you know-yuh,uh, yeah," you finally said. "Because I," you were now making embarrassingly big gestures with you hands and arms, and you started by pointing at yourself, "don't," you crossed your arms, "like you," and you ended with finger guns pointed at him.

For a second it was like he saw right through you and knew you were lying, knew you had the biggest crush on him since you were youngsters. His eyes were twinkling in wonder and you almost leaned forward.

Then his phone rang and his eyes were drawn away from yours. You let out a deep breath.

"Hello? Oh hi Janine," he said, walking down the hall and into his bedroom.

You rolled your shoulders back and closed your eyes, trying to slow your heart rate. That was too close, you said to yourself. You occasionally heard the low rumble of his voice and you longed for it to be talking to you.

But then you remembered.

You were just the friend, the childhood friend.

And that's all you ever would be.


Anotha day anotha dol-DAY CLOSER TO SHERLOCK!!!!!!!!!!
I was watching it last night and I wanted to cry because it was so beautiful and made me so happy and UGH FREAKING HIATUS AND

! Hope y'all had a great day and I'm so THANKFUL for all of you children.
(And Rupert's face)
(And the whole freaking Sherlock cast)
(And Moffat and Gatiss)
(Okay I could just keep going on, but you get the gist)

Random: What are you thankful for?

"The greatest form of charity may be to withhold judgment."
- Jean B. Bingham

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