Sherlock: I Can Explain

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Request for camcrusher123


Sun rays peeked through the curtains of your bedroom window. You yawned and stretched your arms out above you. Seconds later your curly haired husband entered the room, a plate of food and a glass of something pink balanced on a tray. "You made me breakfast?" you asked in surprise, sitting up against the headboard.

"I was up early and thought of how you deserved some special treatment." He set the tray on your lap then leaned down and planted a kiss on your cheek. He was being offly kind, too kind almost.

"How sweet," you said, then forcefully grabbed his collar and pulled him down to eye level. "Did you poison this food?" you asked in all seriousness.

"No," he answered, his eyebrows wrinkling together.

"Will my face change colors if I eat it?"


"Will my hair fall out?"

"Just eat the damn food (y/n). Can't a man do something nice for his wife?" he huffed, pulling himself out of your tight grip and rolling of his beautiful blue eyes.

"A normal man can, but not you. There's always some catch with you Sherlock Holmes. And you never answered my question, will my hair fall out?"

"No. And if you don't start eating in the next ten seconds I will eat it for myself."

"Fine fine, you know I'm joking honey," you said whilst taking a bite of the eggs. "Well kind of," you said with your mouth half full. You reached for the glass and smelled it - fruity. "Sherlock is this-" but you looked around the room and he was gone. You shrugged your shoulders and took a swig, discovering that it was a strawberry smoothie, your favorite.

You finished breakfast and retreated out of bed into the shower. You washed your hair and lathered your body in soap. Once done, you exited and began to dry yourself off. You started with your hair, then slowly moved down your body. When you got to your breasts you noticed that they had shrunk... a considerable amount. "What the-" you breathed. You closed your eyes, thinking that maybe your vision was clouded, then opened them again, but your boobs were still missing. You clutched the empty space where they used to lay and looked down in horror.

Then something else caught your eye.

Something that had not been on your body before, but had somehow grown on you in a short amount of time. Something that you had not possessed anytime in your life up to now. Something that was new to you, and slightly uncomfortable to look at.

You looked up at the mirror, thinking that maybe someone was playing a trick on you, but your jaw dropped when you saw your reflection. Your hair had been cut short on the sides, almost buzzed to your scalp, and longer hair sat on top of your head in a small quiff.

You were not you, but you were you at the same time - the male version of you.

"SHERLOCK!" you screamed.


"I really didn't know it would turn you into a man," said Sherlock nonchalantly, as if this wasn't the craziest thing that has ever happened to him.

"Well what was supposed to happen?" you asked in horror as you passed under the caution tape he had help up for you.

"Wasn't sure actually, just thought I'd give it you and see."

"Sherlock Holmes I am not a-"

"Who's this?" asked John, approaching you and Sherlock and darting his eyes at you suspiciously. A case had unexpectedly popped up today and Sherlock insisted on going, saying that you could stay home since you weren't your "usual self". You were scared to though - what else might happen if you were left alone? What if you lost all your hair or your fingernails started falling off? When you had voiced those concerns to Sherlock he had responded with "I already told you (y/n), your hair won't fall out." But how were you supposed to believe him after this catastrophe?

"A friend," answered Sherlock quickly.

John stood silent for a second, giving Sherlock an odd look and shooting you a slight glare. "But you don't have friends."

"I'm (y/n)'s brother," you said, surprising yourself at how deep your voice was. After only being a guy for two hours, it was still taking some getting used to. Although, you liked that their clothes were comfortable and their underwear never got stuck up your butt.

"She's never mentioned a brother before?" asked John confused.

"We aren't that close, but I decided to come visit and Sherlock offered to take me on a case," you explained, adding on a genuine smile at the end.

"Huh, interesting," said John, sensing that something else was up. "Well the body is over there Sherlock and- what's your name?"

"(boy version of your name)."

John just nodded his head and led the way over to the crime scene. Once there, Sherlock knelt down and began examining the body. You watched him at work and you fell in a trance - it was mesmerizing, and pretty hot, to watch him in the zone. The deduction was quick, no more than five minutes, and he had the crime solved and knew the murderer before DI Lestrade could even think of possible suspects. "Well my work here is done," said Sherlock, getting up and coming to stand by you with a proud smirk on his face.

"Brainy definitely is the new sexy," you purred, leaning up to plant a kiss on his cheek. He looked down lovingly at you, then his eyes widened and he stepped away. "Sherlock, what's wrong?" you asked. You noticed everyone was watching you with a strange look on their faces and John stood off to the side fuming.

Then you remembered.

You weren't you. Well you were, but to everyone here you were (y/n)'s brother, not (y/n). And at the moment it looked like (y/n)'s brother was kissing (y/n)'s husband.

You chuckled awkwardly. "Uh, I can explain."


Ugh guys I'm stressing too much about stuff. Tell me to breathe and calm down and that everything will work out the way it's supposed to workout

Ready go

Thanks children (I'm going to assume you actually commented something)

Random: Grab the book nearest you, turn to page 17 and give me the first full sentence on the page.

("Aragorn sped on up the hill" - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers)

"They muddy the water, to make it seem deep."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

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