Moriarty: If Anyone Asks

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Request for TheFallOutAngel

Enjoy the gif lol


"I didn't think you'd come," said Sherlock as you both crept side by side down the dark hallway. That was his way of thanking you.

"Yeah neither did I, but I was bored, and well, you know all about that," you answered. "Hello John, good to see you too," you said, glancing behind you. He didn't say anything, just looked at you with a hard stare. You smirked. John Watson didn't trust you one bit. And why should he? You could easily be working with Moriarty, a double spy, but Sherlock claimed he had deduced no trace of you being a traitor. You wished you could prove him wrong.

"So explain to me again how you know Moriarty is here and that he's going to murder a teenage girl?" you asked.

"Clues," said Sherlock, and you knew that was all you'd get out of him. Him and Moriarty, they had this connection, and sometimes Sherlock was the only one who saw the clues, who could recognize them, leaving John and you to rely solely on Sherlock, which you two did anyways.

The three of you finally came to the end of a hallway, a dead end. The doors on either side were boarded off. You shot Sherlock a dirty look for leading you astray, and when the three of you turned around to go back, a man stood blocking your way.

Jim Moriarty.

"As easy luring the three blind mice," he said, that tenor pitch hitting your ear drums and making your whole body shiver. You had never heard a voice quite like it. His eyes flickered over the three of you before landing on you permanently. You had only faced Jim two other times, and each time you had forgotten how invading his eyes were. "(Y/n), I didn't know you were on the side of the angels."

"I'm not on either side," you replied, surprised that he even knew your name.

"Then why don't you join mine?" he asked, laughing like a giddy child.

"Mrs. Hudson makes me food when I help," you said, and it was true. You had not chosen either side, it was just whatever offered you more benefits. No outcome would affect you, because you could just as easily slip away and restart your life somewhere else. You worked for no one but yourself. However, recently, you had become quite attached to 221B, Mrs. Hudson, and even John and Sherlock. Whenever you came over it was like being in the home you never had.

"What did you bring us here for?" asked Sherlock.

Moriarty broke his gaze from you, which he had left there too long for his own liking, and twirled around. "To dance."

"What?" asked John, voicing what you were all thinking.

"(Y/n) knows what I'm talking about," he said, winking at you.

You really had no idea what Jim was talking about. You noticed John and Sherlock staring at you, almost accusingly. "What?" you snapped. "Do I look like I have the answer written on my forehead? Stop looking at me."

Their eyes averted back to Moriarty, but he was gone now. "Where the-" said John. The three of you shook your heads, even Sherlock was baffled. One by one you walked out the door of the abandoned building, all thinking the same thing: Dance?

And as you were bidding farewell to Sherlock and John on the steps of 221B, you remembered something. You were going to a dance, well a ball, tonight. A masquerade ball. "I know what he was talking about," you said, just as Sherlock had his hand on the doorknob. "There's a masquerade ball tonight, and I'm going. He must be too."

Sherlock came down the steps towards you. "Well what are you waiting for, come in and get ready."


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