A/N: Sherlock on Suicide

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I have not yet seen anyone discuss this scene.
And so I just wanted to touch on it a little

(If you haven't seen The Lying Detective, don't worry, this isn't a big spoiler)

When I first saw this scene, I wanted to cry. My friends seem unaffected by it, and I wanted to pause it and listen to it all over again. I wanted to engrave it in my brain forever.

Since watching it, I think back to it quite a lot because I think what Sherlock is saying here is really important.

People care. People don't tell you they do because people are stupid, but they do. Some people don't, but you don't need those people. But trust me, people care and love you, they're just too spun up in their own little world of themselves, but aren't we all?

So stay. Please. Stay for those people that do care. Hell, stay for the people that don't care. Show them that what they say or do does not break who you are. Stay for the kids you might have. Or the pets you'll have. Or the person you one day will meet and spend the rest of your life with. Stay for the higher power you believe in, or if you don't, then stay for the sake of getting to live life to its full potential. Stay for the books you'll read (ahem, mine) and the new tv shows that you'll find to add to your fandoms and the new movies with actors and actresses you can obsess over and watch their interviews for hours on end. Stay for the music you'll listen to, whether it's your golden favorites or hits to be released. Stay for funny videos of animals chasing people. Stay for the sun setting and the sun rising. Stay for the stars in the sky. Stay for the crashing of waves against a beach. Stay for the wind blowing through trees and the smell of smoke coming through a chimney on a winter's night and for funny Halloween costumes and for the feeling of relief when you finish your homework and for your favorite ice cream flavor and for the feeling of absolute joy you feel when you're laughing so hard you can't breathe.

Just stay.

You are your own person. You are a cobweb carefully strewn together with your quirks and thoughts and promising future. You are blood and bones and love all knitted into a functioning human that was made to stay on this earth forever. You are a carefully crafted personality meant to help make the world go round.

It might seem selfish of me to ask you to stay. I don't know your story. I don't know what you've gone through or are going through currently. I don't know the amount of pain you feel in your heart daily. But you don't know any of that stuff about me either. I'm not trying to sound like a pro on this stuff, because I'm not. I'm just putting this out there for the people who need it, for those who may need a pick me up right at this moment.
But I'm not asking you to stay for me (I mean I want you to stay, but that's not enough sometimes. I'm just a person behind a screen, but believe me, if I could be there in person I would).
I'm also not asking you to stay solely for those around you (Although I think they would love you too as well).

I'm asking you to stay for yourself too.

It's funny. We are the ones that produce these thoughts, that tear ourselves down. And yet, at the end of the day, we are the only ones there for ourselves too.
So do yourself a favor and stay. It may seem like you're putting yourself through unnecessary hell, but I promise you, it will all be worth it if you just stay.

This world needs you believe it or not. You may think your life is so small on the scale of it all, but it's not. If your life was not worth anything, you wouldn't be here in the first place. Remember that.
Everything you do affects those around you. Good and bad. So yes, what Sherlock is saying is true. Your life is yours, but it is everyone else's too. You were made for the sake of other people just like other people were made for the sake of you.

So stay for those people, and stay for yourself.

And stay for my update coming next week.

Mumsy loves you all.

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