Teenlock: Tutor Me Holmes

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Request for Alanornala

(Peep Sherlock's young twin Charlie McDermott)




"Why is an algebra book always unhappy?"

"Is this a joke or a serious question because books can't have feelings and-"

"Because it always has a lot of problems." You bit your lip to stop yourself from laughing. You didn't know what was funnier - the joke or the look on Sherlock's face like you were stupid.

"This is why you're failing math (y/n)," he said, shaking his head and going back to the problem he was trying to explain to you for the thousandth time.

You groaned and dropped your head onto the table in frustration. "Well maybe if math was fun then I'd try harder."

"Maybe if you tried harder then math would be fun. Ever thought about that?"

You put a hand up to cover his face. "Don't try to make my brain think right now, it hurts."

"Probably from lack of use, it's not used to thinking."

You glared at him and he smiled cheekily. "Okay back to work," he said, tapping the pencil onto the problem in the book. "Now it says that Julie has 16 cookies, which is 8 times more than twice what-"

"Why do they have to be cookies? I'm craving donuts."

Sherlock took a deep breath to calm himself so he wouldn't explode on you. "It doesn't matter what it is she has, you just care about the numbers."

"So why have a story problem then anyways?"

"I don't know, to trick you or something. It doesn't matter, what matters is-"

"Our world is so messed up. You can't even try and do a simple math problem without people trying to mess with your head, as if it already isn't hard enough to do." You shook your head in disbelief and crossed your arms. "The nerve of some people."

Sherlock glared at you, his patience growing thin. "Do you want help in math or not?"

"Yes yes, sorry, I'll shut up." You reached up and pretended to zip your lips and throw away the key. Sherlock shook his head in annoyance and continued to explain.

"Write down '16 cookies'." You raised your eyebrows at him and he sighed. "16 donuts I mean." You smiled in approval and wrote down what he said. He explained a couple more things to you, some of which you understood and some of which you didn't. He kept talking, and you started daydreaming about sitting on a nice warm beach somewhere, blue sky as far as the eye can see, and water warm enough to swim in. Plus some hot guys fanning you. You sighed in content.

"(Y/n) are you listening to me?" asked Sherlock. He waved his hand in front of your face and you pushed it away.

"Yeah just thinking about," you paused and he looked at you suspiciously, "math."

"Well let me hear what you were thinking about then," he smirked, knowing that you were definitely not thinking about x's and y's and numbers.

"Would you rather hear another math joke?" you chuckled nervously.

"No," he said. "You're hopeless, just let me do it okay, all of it," he said, taking your paper and immediately writing down numbers and symbols. "Make sure to write your name on it before you turn it in though," he grunted, bent over your paper.

You smiled triumphantly. "Thank you Holmes, you're the best tutor around you know that right?" You elbowed him teasingly.

"And you are the worst student around," he said. "But you already knew that."


Quick update!

That makes two in one night people!

Hopefully I'll be back soon my lovely childs. Mumsy is still here don't worry, just on a bit of work leave, no biggy, I'll be back in no time, please stick around!

Random: Most attractive physical feature about a person.
(It's always the hair, or the eyes.)

"Love all, trust few, do wrong to none."
- Shakespeare

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