Moriarty: Kiss Me Right Meow

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Request for Fandom_beau


The name is Mor + the last three letters of your first name

(For example, mine - Morrea)


"It's time to let go Jim... She'll be in a better place, without any pain."

He slapped his hand against the window, and she barely had enough strength to lift her head to look at him one more time with wide eyes. "I can't..." he whimpered, a single tear escaping down his cheek. He watched them prepare the needle, then whispered his last goodbye. He turned to you, digging his face into your neck and sobbing. You held him tightly, rubbing his back and wishing you could take away all his sadness.

The vet stepped out of the room, nodding at you to let you know it was done. You patted Jim's back, then grabbed his hand and led him out the door and to your parked car. You helped inside, his hands now pressed against his eyes, trying to wipe away the tears. You frowned, knowing it would be a long couple days.

You made it home, neither of you having said a word the whole ride. You unlocked the front door, then set your purse on the table in the front foyer. You felt a hand grab yours, and you followed him to the bedroom. He slipped out of his shirt and crawled under the covers, motioning for you to come lay with him. You shimmied off your jeans and threw on a pair of his boxers, then crawled in next to him.

He held you tight, his hands tracing unknown patterns on your back. His head was pressed into your neck, and you ran your fingers through his already messy hair. Now it was your turn to cry. All this time you had been trying to hold it together for Jim, but you couldn't stop yourself from missing (*). You had bought him the kitten for his birthday, and he insisted on calling it a mixture of your guy's names.

After a couple years, as you both grew to love (*), she started getting sick. Eventually, you came to find out that she was dying of a rare cancer, and there was nothing to do save her, hence why you ended up at the vet today. You let a tear carry itself down your face, and Jim lifted his head up to look at you, then wiped it away. He smiled slightly, then sat up so your head was now laying on his chest.

"Remember when she used to chase us around the house and play hide and seek?" You chuckled at the memory of her furry face peeking around the corner, and the next time you blinked she'd be attacking your leg.

"What about when she'd sit at the dinner table with us," you laughed, and you smiled at the gentle rumble coming from Jim's throat.

"Or when we came home and she was under the covers with her head on the pillow."

"And that one time she tried to jump from the coffee table to the chair, but slipped and fell on the floor." You two spent the rest of the night sitting close and reminiscing on good times spent with your kitty, before falling asleep and dreaming that she was back, laying with you two.


It had been a couple weeks now. You both had recovered somewhat from losing her. Little bits of her had been erased from around the house: the litter box smell had left the pantry room, the last of her head had been vacuumed up, and her toys were stashed away in a box in the closet.

But all of that was about to come back.

You crept in through the front door and heard a tune of music coming from the kitchen. Glorious smells wafted to your nose and you realized he was cooking dinner. You smiled to yourself, then froze as a tiny "meow" slipped from beneath your jacket.

"(Y/n), is that you?" asked Jim from the kitchen.

"Uh, yeah, it's me, just got home," you called back, trying to shush the little kitten.

"I swear I could've heard a meow," he chuckled.

You panicked. He knew. He had to know. You had taken (*)'s toys out of the cupboard and fluffed up her bed a little in preparation for your new little fur ball. "Yeah that was just me, erm, meow," you said.

He chuckled, wiping his hands on a towel while he walked out to you from the kitchen. "Starting role-play early, are we?" he smirked.

Another "meow" from your coat responded to him, and you let out a light hearted "heh," and smiled innocently. He walked slowly towards you, dark eyes wide with wonder. He unzipped your coat, and a little brown head peeked out.

His jaw dropped, and you panicked momentarily. "Is it too soon? You know nothing can ever replace (*), I just thought we both kind of missed a little kitten sleeping with us and pawing at our feet when we walked down the hall and-"

He kissed you softly, but just hard enough to shut you up. You were dazed when he pulled away, and he caught your eye with a wide grin. "(Y/n), I love him. Or her. Or whatever it is. I love it already," he said, grabbing the brown fluffiness from you and cuddling it close to him. He purred against him, and you smiled happily. "Let's call him Richard Brook." You laughed in agreement, both of your eyes sparkling with evil as you thought back to when Jim posed as an innocent.

You two spent the rest of the night playing with Richard Brook, and when you crawled into bed that night, he fell asleep on your feet in no time.

"I really do love him," said Jim. You cuddled up closer next to him so there was no space separating you two.

"Me too," you sighed.

"And I love you too," he whispered, kissing your ear lovingly and sending you off into a wonderful dreamscape.


Woohoo for an update.

Woohoo for being #214 in Fanfiction. All thanks to you amazing children! I am one lucky mother. Much love.

Random: A movie that you haven't seen that you really need/want to see.
(I was deprived of movies my whole life until like 3 years ago so it's a lot for me. (Okay deprived isn't the right word, my family just rewatches movies all the time lol, then finally I met some friends that introduced me to the huge realm of movies out there))

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- Marcus Aurelius

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