Irene Adler x Male Reader: Youngest Holmes

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Request for lukeajc


You were looking the lens of the microscope when a voice behind you interrupted. "Your bum almost looks as good as it did the last time I saw you." You jumped and turned around, facing a woman with bright red lips and clear blue eyes; she was truly the face of beauty. "Oh," she said, looking a little alarmed, "I thought you were Sherlock." She looked you up and down, head to foot, and you squirmed under her gaze. "But you're almost better."

"We get confused quite a lot, more than him and Mycroft do."

"So you're the third brother?" she asked, stepping more into the kitchen and closer to you. You caught a whiff of her perfume and it swirled around your nose. 

"The smarter, funnier, better looking younger one yes," you smiled cheekily, turning back to your work.

"Well I can see that," she said in a seductive voice, and the perfume smell got stronger as she moved closer.

"And you are?"

"The woman," she answered with confidence as she walked up the table and put her hands down, leaning on them for support. "You seem much more... social."

"Yes, they are sociopaths, I am just plain social. Boring right?" 

"I'll be the judge of that," she purred, sliding her hand closer to yours and resting it on top. She winked at you, and you smirked back. You chuckled internally, this lady must've in her 30s. You on the other hand... You had just turned 18 months ago,  not even out of school yet, but she didn't seem to notice. The age difference between you and your brothers was almost unbelievable, but thanks to your parents early childbearing years, it made sense why you were almost 19 years younger than Mycroft.

"(Y/n)!" called Mrs. Hudson, walking into the room of 221B. "You better be working on your homework mister. Your brothers told me to keep an eye on you."

"Mrs. Hudson, I finished the homework before it was even assigned," you teased, although it was true. 

"Well you definitely are a Holmes then. But get to bed now, you have classes in the morning," she ordered. You glanced at the clock and noticed it was still early, but you knew better than to argue with Mrs. Hudson. 

"Yes ma'am," you said. You glanced up at Irene who's eyes were wide in surprise, and cheeks slightly red from embarrassment. "It was nice meeting you 'Woman'. What did you say your favorite animal was again?"

"I don't think I-"

"Oh that's right, a cougar." And with that you left her speechless, almost begging for mercy.


Quick update! 

Hopefully there are more to come soon my childs.


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