Eurus: The Friend She Always Wanted

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Request for claraoswaldisgone



It all started with a simple favor.

*cue foggy screen to indicate flashback*

"Play violin with my sister," commanded Sherlock over the phone.

You had met Sherlock Holmes around two years ago when your boyfriend had gone missing for two weeks. He had, of course, solved the case in record time. Unfortunately, your boyfriend was found dead, body hidden in an heating duct in an abandoned building. Turns out he was a drug dealer, and even though he claimed he had not enough money and begged you to buy him dinner multiple times, he apparently had plenty of money to spend in the strip club.

When you had asked how much Sherlock charged, he told you it was at no cost, and joked about how someday you may owe him a favor anyways. And apparently that day was today. How Mr. Holmes still had your phone number, you had no idea. Two years had gone by. You got a dog, a new apartment, a new job, and you even joined a gym. But you still played the violin.

When Sherlock busted into your apartment to tell you the news about your boyfriend, you had been in the middle of playing. It was one of your original pieces, a bittersweet melody that swept the soul away with whispers, whispers of the future, whispers you could not hear, whispers you could only feel. He had stopped dead in his tracks, his doctor friend behind him. His eyes, that usually moved fast and calculating, slowed down and followed the nimble movement of your fingers and the graceful dance of the bow on the strings.

Perhaps that is why he didn't make you pay him. Because that day, you had paid him in peace of mind. For once he seemed relaxed, just watching you.

"I didn't know you had a sister," you had responded in phone, returning to the present. You honestly didn't know a whole lot about Sherlock, but you were at a loss for words on how he remembered you. You were usually one to be forgotten.

"Neither did I. A car is on its way to your apartment right now."


They'll take you to the helicopter. From there the helicopter will take you to Sherrinford and then you'll play with my sister. Be ready in 5 minutes, and don't forget your violin."

The line went dead and you stared at your phone in confusion. Unknown sister? Helicopter? And what the hell is Sherrinford? These questions circulated around in your mind as you dressed yourself in a semi nice manner, not sure if this was a formal event or not.

Then a knock sounded on your door. You opened it, violin in hand, to face two suited men with sunglasses. Was this Men In Black or something? One shut the door behind you and the other led you out to the car.


"You made it," greeted a tall man leaning on an umbrella. "Mycroft Holmes," he introduced himself, and you made the connection he was Sherlock's brother.

"What is this place?" you asked, crossing your arms tightly around you to shield yourself from the blowing wind of the helicopter.


By the tone of his voice that seemed to be all the explanation he was going to give you. You followed him into worn down brick building through a door and many security clearances. He led you down halls and through doors, before finally revealing what looked like a vault. Mycroft glanced back you before opening it and stepping inside. You followed.

The door shut behind you, and then one in front of you opened, revealing the room. A girl sat on a grey chair, facing away from you. She went to grab for her violin, but her hand stiffened. Her head snapped around and locked eyes with you harshly, before glancing at her brother.

"She's just filling in until Sherlock gets back," said Mycroft softly. She looked back to you, eyes like pinpricks on yours. She blinked, like she was waiting. You swallowed nervously, and Mycroft nudged you. "She's picky about who she plays with. So go on, impress her."

You set your violin case down and took it out, along with the bow. You placed it under your chin and took a deep breath, then began.

You played one of your own creations, the one Sherlock had walked in on you playing long ago. Before long you forgot where you were and you fell into the music. But then something didn't sound right, and you looked up to realize the Holmes sister was standing at the glass, playing furiously yet beautifully. You stopped, letting her finish her masterpiece. Her strokes were so rough and angry and yet the sound that bounced off the strings was something you had never heard before.

Finally she finished, and she looked away from her violin, making eye contact with you. Then she smiled.

"Meet Eurus," said Mycroft, but you didn't hear him over the sound of the music you two were already playing in harmony.


Now it was your first day off from playing with Euros after two weeks. Sherlock had been on a case in Scotland, and you had been filling in for him since, but now he was back. You didn't even like calling it a day off because it wasn't work to play with her, it was magic. The way your notes entwined together, holding hands and skipping side by side like two schoolgirls on the playground. Maybe that's why you liked playing with her. You felt like a kid again, a kid with a friend. You smiled to yourself. She didn't talk much, but she didn't have to. Her bright eyes spoke for her, so did her violin. You always knew what mood she was in from the strokes of her bow - either fast and choppy, or slow and mournful, but both so beautiful.

Your cellular rang and you answered it without bothering to look at the caller ID. "Hello?" you answered.

"She wants you."


"I sent a car for you."

"But aren't you playing violin with her today?"

"Yes but," he paused, an almost jealous edge sinking into his voice, "she wants you. She wants her friend."


Eurus made a friend! Happy day! And I updated! Happy day!

So I am extremely happy and honored because for the first time ever, someone drew fan art from one of my stories :) Thank you Bond-IonicBond for this amazing piece of art! (Based on "Tweenlock: Road Trip")

So I am extremely happy and honored because for the first time ever, someone drew fan art from one of my stories :) Thank you Bond-IonicBond for this amazing piece of art! (Based on "Tweenlock: Road Trip")

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"You got it dude."
- Michelle Tanner (Full House)

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