Collegelock: Sher-LOCKED OUT

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In honor of starting college, I thought why the hell not

And I saw this picture and thought why the hell not, he's still hot


"I'm going to go shower," you announced to your roomie, grabbing your robe off of the hook in your closet. It had been a long day: cheering for the uni football team, walking to get food then walking back, playing volleyball, then listen to your mom nag you through the phone about getting your homework done. It was only 8:30pm, but you were ready to knock out for the night and sleep in.

As the hot water poured over your body, a sense of relief wound its way through your muscles. This last week had been stressful and overwhelming, but standing here in this shower it seemed that all your troubles were washed away.

That is until you turned off the shower and realized you had forgotten a towel.

You face palmed and cursed yourself for thinking for a second that life could be easy. You had your robe and the dirty clothes you had worn before, but you knew that putting on the dirty clothes would erase all the wonderful cleanliness of the shower you had just taken.

You sighed, deciding it be best to just put on the robe and dart down the hall like a ninja before anyone could see you. Yes, the robe would be covering your body but there was something unsettling about walking down the hall of a coed dorm with a robe that could somehow become untied in an instant.

You took a deep breath, grabbed your shower caddy, and began your long journey back to your room. Thankfully, no one else was in the hallway and you made it back unscathed. But because the universe couldn't be nice to you more than once a day, when you reached into your robe you couldn't find your key to open the door to your dorm.

You knocked forcibly on the door, but your roommate wasn't answering. "Mary!" you called again and again. You were glancing from side to side down the hall nervously when you heard a door open behind you. You froze, then turned around to find yourself face to face with a black curly haired and high cheekboned fella. You recognized him, his name being Sherlock, and remembered seeing him very briefly on move in day last week with John, the other guy who lived straight across the hall from you.

"Mary left with John about 10 minutes ago, so I'd really appreciate it if you stop all the noise you're making and quiet down. I'm trying to find out if blood can be used to..." You let him blab on for a good 2 minutes before you realized the present situation you were still stuck in.

"Listen," you interrupted, making him frown in annoyance, "I forgot my room key so I'm locked out and I'm naked under this robe. I'd love to hear about your blood experiment, but maybe another time when there's not a chance my whole body could be exposed because of a strong breeze coming through here okay?"

You looked around again in paranoia, still surprised that no one else had come out of their dorm yet. But it was a Saturday night and parties were happening all around town. You had forgotten that Sherlock was standing there, and when you looked up to ask him if he could help in anyway, you found him with his hands over his eyes and his nose scrunched up.

"What are you doing?! This is not time for peek-a-boo!" you whisper yelled, not wanting to attract attention. You pulled his hands from his face but he still kept his eyes tightly closed. "Sherlock I'm not actually naked! I have a robe covering me," you said, trying not to laugh at the fact that any of those other guys would have try to get a sneak peek, but he seemed to not be like those other guys.

"But you said you could be exposed at anytime, and I can feel a slight breeze."

"Okay well I have it tied super tight. Now open your eyes so you can help me!"

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