Sherlock: Fatherly Duties

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Request for mrs_ami_weasley


"MUUUUUUUUUUUUM," Sherlock heard Johanna call from the bathroom.

"She's not in sweetie," he called from behind his laptop screen. "What do you need?"

She didn't respond. Sherlock waited awhile, but there was still no response from his daughter. He got up from the chair and walked down the hall, reaching the door and deciding to knock. "Are you okay Johanna?" he asked.

"I need mum," she whimpered, and he was tempted to bust open the door. Why did her voice sound so shaky? Almost like she was in pain... But he had just seen her 10 minutes ago and she was fine.

"What's wrong?" he asked, trying not to let urgency to creep into his voice.

There was pause, but she answered finally. "I'm, erm... bleeding," she answered awkwardly.

"BLEEDING?" he yelled, instantly trying to turn the doorknob. But, it was locked from the inside. "Johanna let me in right now! Did someone hurt you? Is somebody in the flat?"

"Dad.." she whined.

"Johanna tell me, this is serious. Could be one of my many enemies..." he trailed off, eyes darting around him. "I'm calling John so he can come take a look at you," he announced.

Sherlock ignored the protests from his shrieking daughter as he darted out to the living room and grabbed the phone off the table and his hidden gun from under the couch cushion. He listened to the ringing, cursing at John for not pick up quicker.

"Hello?" came a familiar voice over the phone.

"John I need you to come over right now!" yelled Sherlock.

"What's wrong?" asked John, his tone immediately changing.

"Something's wrong with Johanna. She's locked herself in the bathroom and she said she's bleeding and she keeps asking for (y/n) but I think she needs serious medical attention and-"

"She's started her period," said Mary in the background.

"Am I on speaker phone?" asked Sherlock angrily. He hated when he didn't know other people were listening in.

"Sherlock that's not what you need to focus on right now. She's probably scared to death. Where's (y/n)?"

"Out of town for work all day. What do I do? I don't even know-like what-how-" He was at a loss for words.

"Just ask her if she needs any products," said Mary.

Sherlock hung up, then turned and looked where the bathroom door sat down the hall. He shuddered. He never had dealt with the lady system before, and he felt clueless as to how to help his poor Johanna. He crept down the hall carefully, then stopped outside the door.

"Johanna honey, do you need any... products?"

"I-I don't know. Call mum and ask her."

Sherlock fumbled with his phone as he dialed your number. You picked up after the first ring. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" you asked, and your voice soothed his panicky manner.

"Our daughter is bleeding... And it's not from a scrape or a cut... It's from-"

"She started her period," you said smoothly. Sherlock winced again. How could they be so normal about this?

"Y-yes," he stuttered.

"Well I forgot to buy some pads and tampons while I was shopping yesterday, so you'll have to go get some."

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