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Seven year old Sherlock Holmes, was sitting on his bed and reading a book, when he noticed that it started to rain. Sherlock always loved to play outside when it rained, he'd always pretend to be a pirate on a ship in a heavy storm. Suddenly, a thunderbolt and a loud noise erupted from the sky and Sherlock jumped up. He might like the rain but he's terrified of thunderstorms. Another loud noise filled the entire city and Sherlock saw a bright, white light fill his small bedroom. Sherlock grabbed a flashlight from his desk drawer and hid underneath the soft duvet. He turned the light on and continued to read, trying desperately to ignore the thunder. Sherlock was only seven years old but already learned to read when he was four years old. He heard the wind howling outside and the rain was almost smashing the windows. Sherlock closed his eyes and tried to go to sleep but it was no use. Sherlock started sobbing softly, he was so scared. His dog, Redbeard, heard that and walked over to the bed. He barked a few times and Sherlock poked his head out from underneath the duvet and scratched the dog behind his ears. Another white light filled the room and Sherlock hid underneath the duvet again.


Mycroft was staring at the homework he finally finished. It was still raining and he decided to check on Sherlock. He knew that his little brother was terrified of thunderstorms. He tiptoed to Sherlock's room and knocked on the door. ''Sherlock, are you alright?'' He whispered through the key hole. He held his breath and waited for a response but none came. He carefully opened the door and entered the room. More loud noises erupted from the sky and he saw a small bulge move on the bed. He smiled softly and walked over to his brother's bed. Sherlock's small head appeared after Mycroft pulled the duvet back a little, and his watery eyes were staring right into Mycroft's.

Mycroft hated seeing his brother like this. ''Are you alright?'' Mycroft asked again. Sherlock shook his head, his dark and curly hair bounced as he did. Mycroft moved closer to Sherlock and wrapped his arms around his small brother, who was slightly shaking. Sherlock snuggled close to Mycroft and the older Holmes brother smoothed down his hair. ''My, I'm hungry.'' Sherlock said softly. ''Let's get you something to eat then.'' Mycroft decided. His brother didn't eat a lot so when an opportunity like this presented itself, Mycroft gladly used it. He carefully untangled Sherlock from the duvet and carried him downstairs to the kitchen. He placed Sherlock on one of the wooden chairs that surrounded the dining table. Sherlock waited patiently while his brother made him a sandwich. Mycroft handed his brother the sandwich and he immediately attacked it.


Mycroft was laying on the couch with Sherlock on top of him. He was reading a book and Sherlock was playing with Mycroft's tie. Sherlock was getting really tired and, of course, Mycroft noticed that. He placed his book on the small table next to the couch and softly stroked Sherlock's curls. The younger Holmes soon closed his eyes and allowed his tiredness to take over.

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