
3.2K 153 29

Requested by Tami65 

I hope you all like it and thank you so much for 153K! I can't believe I've managed to reach that fantastic goal! I can't thank you guys enough for it. I'm forever grateful, my Loves. ♥ 


You returned home after a brief walk in the rare sunny weather. London looked beautiful today. It seemed like everyone was happy and stressfree. You were in the best mood and that didn't happen very often. You placed your bag on the floor and took off your coat, hanging it on the coat rack. ''Sherlock?'' You called, not seeing your boyfriend anywhere. You heard a loud thump coming from the bedroom you shared, followed by a frustrated scream. The door flew open, hitting the wall and an angry looking Sherlock Holmes stormed out. You stood back, watching him as he threw papers across the room. 

You didn't even say anything when he shot the wall a few times and smashed a table. ''I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!'' Sherlock exclaimed angrily. You quietly walked over to him, placing your hands on his shoulders and guiding him to his chair. He collapsed into it and buried his face in his hands as you continued rubbing his shoulder in a comforting way.

You had noticed changes in Sherlock's behaviour lately. He never usually cried. You had never seen him do it before, but lately, it seemed as if the cold sociopath had become a young child. He sometimes cried over the simplest things and it broke your heart to see him so emotional at times. He would have trouble breathing and he'd be gasping for air as tears continued to flow. You always tried to comfort him, but it often lead to him snapping at you and calling you names. He'd always apologise and often start crying again because he felt so guilty about hurting you the way he did. You always assured him it was okay and that you understood why he said those things, but it still hurt sometimes.

But that wasn't just it. He also had mood swings. One second, he'd be clingy and wanting your attention and the other second, something inside of him would snap and he'd act distant and cold. But what you considered the worst thing of all was that he was constantly working. He never took a break, not even for a second. He was always working and doing multiple things at the same time. He barely slept and you caught him passing out once or twice during the past few weeks. He was incredibly stressed and simply exhausted from all the work he was doing and you were so worried about him that you, too, started having sleepless nights. You wanted to be there for him, help him, but you didn't know how. You were clueless about what to do and it made it even harder for you to cope. But no matter what, you were going to stick around and help him through this rough period in his life.

''Sherlock.'' You said gently, crouching down in front of him. ''What, (Y/N)?'' He snapped. You frowned and bit your lip, preventing yourself from getting angry and shouting at him. He saw the look in your eyes and immediately tears started flowing. ''Hey, hey, hey, it's okay.'' You shushed him gently. ''No, it's not.'' He sobbed, shaking his head. ''I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry.'' He looked at you, regret evident in his eyes. ''It's okay, Love.'' You smiled softly and used your thumbs to wipe the tears off his face. He placed his hands on top of yours and carefully guided them away from his face. ''I love you.'' He said, kissing your knuckles. You giggled. ''I love you, too.'' You stood up and he pulled you back so you were sitting on his lap. His arms were wrapped around you and his chin rested on the top of your head as he held you close to him. His breathing slowed down and you knew he was relaxing a little and finally taking a break from working so much.

''I've been doing some research.'' You admitted. ''Hm?'' You shifted and positioned yourself so you were able to look at him. ''You've been doing too much lately, Sherlock. It's the reason why you've been so emotional lately. It's the reason why you have rapid mood swings and are always stressed.'' You explained. ''I don't like to see you cry, Love. It breaks my heart to see you so emotionally distressed and I want to prevent it as much as I can. You need a break from it all and just take some time to relax for some time.''

''Well, what are you suggesting?'' He wondered, his lips curled into a small smirk. You cupped his cheek and kissed him briefly. ''Let's go on holiday together. To another country and just relax. We both need it, Sherlock.'' He seemed to think about it for a moment before nodding, agreeing with you. ''I think you're right, Darling.'' He decided. ''Just you and me on a holiday together in a country far away from this crowded city. It sounds nice.'' You smiled widely and kissed him once more. ''Let's leave immediately!'' You exclaimed, excited. You jumped off his lap and pulled him to the bedroom by his hand. You immediately started throwing clothes in a suitcase as he stood back, laughing at your enthusiasm. He realised what he needed had been in front of him the entire time. All he needed was you with him and then it would be okay in the end. He couldn't wait to go on this holiday with you. 

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