Wrong Place, Wrong Time

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''Please Sherlock.'' You begged. ''(Y/N), you can go buy a dress on your own. I'm busy!'' Sherlock argued. ''But I need your opinion on the dress.'' You whined. Sherlock sighed and took off the goggles he was wearing for one of his experiments. ''Fine, I'll go with you.'' You knew that Sherlock had a weak spot for you and that he couldn't refuse if you kept begging him. You pecked his cheek and handed him his coat, you were already wearing yours. ''Come on Curly, let's go shopping!'' You exclaimed happily.

You dragged Sherlock to the most expensive clothing shop in London. You were surrounded by expensive designer outfits and the most beautiful dresses you had ever seen. ''This is really expensive, (Y/N).'' Sherlock pointed out the obvious. ''Well yes but it's also beautiful. I can afford one dress.'' You defended. You were right, money wasn't tight for you and Sherlock. You were the CEO of a very big company and made plenty of money to spoil yourself and your lovely boyfriend once in a while. You took a black dress from one of the clothing racks and held it in front of you. ''What do you think, Sherlock?'' You asked. Sherlock slightly tilted his head to the left as he scanned the dress. ''I think you should pick a shorter dress, Love.'' He smirked. You smiled and playfully smacked his arm before hanging the dress back and looking for a shorter one.

Your eyes fell on the most stunning dress in the shop. It was short and still very elegant, the colour was a beautiful dark red and you immediately fell in love with it. You were about to show your boyfriend the dress when the doors of the shop flew open and a couple of masked men with guns entered. ''Everybody on the floor! Make one wrong move and we'll shoot.'' One of them yelled. There weren't a lot of people in the shop but the yelling was still very loud. Sherlock ran over to you and pushed you and himself to the floor. You felt tears slip down your cheeks as you kept your head low. You felt a large hand on yours and you dared to slightly tilt your head. Sherlock was next to you on the floor, holding your hand tightly as the robbers searched the shop and took everything they thought was valuable. ''It's going to be okay. Don't be scared, I'm here.'' He said softly. You nodded but the tears didn't stop. And you started sobbing silently. Sherlock didn't know what to do. He wanted to comfort you but if he talked too much or moved, he would be killed. He slowly looked up a little and saw that one of the robbers was forcing a cashier to put all the money in a large bag. ''Please, please don't shoot.'' The woman pleaded as she filled the bag with cash. As soon as all the money was in the bag, the man raised his gun and shot the cashier in the head. She died instantly. You saw this too and you accidentally let out a small scream. Sherlock immediately pressed his hand against your mouth to stop the robbers from hearing it but it was too late.

The biggest of the four men rushed over to you and pulled you up by your hair. You screamed in pain and tried to run away but he held you tightly. Sherlock immediately stood up to save you. ''Let her go!'' He demanded. The robber who was still holding you up by your hair laughed loudly and aimed the gun at Sherlock. ''Get down, freak.'' Sherlock refused and took a step closer to you. ''I'm warning you.'' The robber threatened as Sherlock took another step closer towards you. The robber lost his temper and fired his gun.

You covered your eyes, afraid that you would see Sherlock's dead body. But the robber didn't hit Sherlock, he hit one of the clothing racks. Sherlock swiftly kicked the robber in his crotch and took the gun from him. He shot the man in the knee and you fell to the floor as soon as the robber let go of you. Sherlock didn't hesitate a single second to shoot at the windows of the shop, causing the alarm to go off and the rest of the robbers fled.

''It's okay now, (Y/N). You're safe.'' Sherlock whispered as he kneeled down next to you. He put the gun aside and hugged you tightly. You buried your head in his coat and held on for dear life. You were still in shock when the police arrived. They arrested the robber who got shot by Sherlock and asked all the witnesses some questions. You were shaking slightly as a cop asked you a couple questions. ''I understand that you're a little shaken up ma'am. But it's very important that we find all the men who did this.'' The cop stated. You nodded and tried to focus as much as you could. Sherlock was done answering questions from another cop and soon stood by your side. He wrapped his arm around you and you instantly relaxed. ''Did you see what the robbers looked like?'' The cop asked. You shook your head and stepped closer to Sherlock. ''Did you see how they got away?'' He asked. ''That's a very unreasonable question.'' Sherlock interrupted. The cop turned his gaze to Sherlock and raised his eyebrow. ''The robber tried to shoot me and was holding her up by her hair. There's no way that she could've seen the vehicle of the robbers.'' Sherlock explained. ''Hmm.. I suppose you're right.'' The cop decided. Sherlock nodded and slightly squeezed your shoulder when you looked at him. ''Are you done questioning my girlfriend? I would like to take her home now.'' Sherlock said, obviously getting very annoyed with the slow cop. ''Yes you can go.'' The cop decided. Sherlock nodded a 'thank you' before dragging you away from the shop and into a cab.


''Are you okay?'' Sherlock asked for the millionth time as he handed you a cuppa. You smiled ''I'm fine, Sherlock.'' He nodded and sat next to you on the leather couch, wrapping an arm around your waist. ''You could've been killed today.'' You pointed out, tears threatening to spill again. ''No one is allowed to hurt you, Love. I don't care if I get killed as long as you are safe.'' He whispered. You put your cup on the table in front of you and turned to Sherlock. ''You are not dying! Understood?'' You cupped his face and stared him right into his eyes. A smirk played on Sherlock's lips as he nodded. He put both of his hands on your waist and pulled you even closer to him as he pressed his lips firmly against yours.You immediately kissed back, completely melting into the kiss. Sherlock eventually pulled away, much to your dismay. ''Your tea is getting cold, dear.''He said, smirking again. You smiled and pulled away from his embrace to get your cup. You drank all of the tea in one gulp and jumped on Sherlock's lap. He laughed because of your childlike behaviour but quickly pulled you in for another passionate kiss.     

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