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I entered the old abandoned house. I knew that (Y/N) had to be here, it was her new favourite drugs den. She promised that she was clean and I believed her until I deduced her this morning. She lied to me. I passed some half-conscious people, trying to find my girlfriend. ''I found her, Sherlock!'' I heard John's voice yell. I sighed in relief and went where the voice came from. John was crouching besides her limp body as he was called an ambulance. ''I'm a doctor, I know what's going on! She overdosed on drugs just get a freaking ambulance here!'' John yelled into the phone. The person on the other line said something that I couldn't clearly hear but John's response said enough, ''I AM CALM!'' I also crouched down beside her and tried to wake her up. ''(Y/N)? Wake up, Love.'' I said softly as I removed her hair from her face. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was irregular. Her skin was even paler than usual and she remained unresponsive. ''Come on wake up. You're not going to make it if you don't wake up, Love.'' I pleaded. She stirred and opened her eyes slightly. I sighed in relief. Now all I had to do was keep her awake until the ambulance arrived and she would be fine. ''You were doing so well, (Y/N). Why did you lie to me. I could've helped you.'' She stared up at me with watery eyes but didn't speak. Her eyes started to close again and her breathing faded. ''No, wake up. WAKE UP!'' I lost control of my emotions and panicked. I heard the sirens of an ambulance and the paramedics soon stormed in.


The beeping of the heart monitor was driving me insane. She still hadn't woken up and I was afraid that she never would again. The doctors assured me that she was fine but she had to wake up to prove that. I blamed myself for her drug addiction. I got her into it but she didn't stop when I stopped. But that was going to change the second I took her back home. It was going to be difficult but I was going to do whatever it took to help her. No matter how much she would hate me.

My thinking was interrupted by a soft voice calling my name. I looked up and saw her (E/C) eyes staring at me. ''(Y/N).'' I whispered. A smile appeared on my face and I hugged her tightly. ''You're awake!'' I said over and over again. I pulled back from the hug and held her hand. ''Why (Y/N)?'' She avoided looking at me and her eyes started to water. ''You were doing so well. I could've helped you. You should've told me that you were struggling to contain yourself. I'm here for you, Love.'' A tear rolled down my cheek as I carefully cupped her face and forced her to look at me. ''I'm sorry, Sherlock.'' She whispered. Tears spilled from her eyes and I wiped them away with my thumb. ''It's okay.''

The next few months were going to be difficult but it would all be worth it in the end. 


This was requested by @the_Writing_Bear. 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Thank you all so much for more than 17K reads! I can't believe that this book got so many. I would also like to announce that I will start a new Sherlock fanfiction soon. It's going to be a SherlockxReader and I'm very excited to share it all with you. Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a lovely day <3

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