Forbidden Relationship

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Your POV.

You were at 221B Baker Street to hang out with your boyfriend. You were reading the paper when Sherlock received a text and jumped up. ''Are you alright?'' You asked. ''John. Here. In 5 minutes. Hide.'' He said, panicking. You immediately threw the paper on the floor and ran over to Sherlock's bedroom and closed the door behind you. Sherlock has been your boyfriend for three months now and you hadn't told anyone yet. Only Mycroft knew about your relationship. You wanted to tell your brother but you and Sherlock were afraid that he might not take it well. John is Sherlock's best friend and ever since they met he made sure that you and Sherlock never met, afraid that he would hurt you. He has always been very protective over you but you were an adult and you could make your own decisions. You sat on Sherlock's bed as you heard John entering the apartment.

Sherlock POV.

''Deep breaths.'' I whispered to myself as John entered the apartment. ''Hello John!'' I said a bit too cheerful. He gave me a questioning look and I mentally slapped myself. ''Everything alright? I haven't heard from you for a while.'' He said. ''Yes, yes I'm perfectly fine!'' I answered quickly. ''So John why are you here?'' I said, finally able to compose myself and act normally. ''Well you know about my sister.'' He said. ''Harry?'' I asked but I already knew the answer. ''No (Y/N). I called her about five times but she's not answering my calls and I'm getting worried.'' John said with a sigh. ''I'm sure she's fine John.'' I assured, trying to get him to leave. ''She always answers my calls Sherlock! I know that I'm a little overprotective sometimes but I know when something is wrong with her!'' He said defensively. ''What do you want me to do about it? You wouldn't even let me meet her remember.'' I said. ''I'm trying to protect her Sherlock.'' John said, getting angry. ''From what? Me?'' I asked, getting angry as well. John didn't respond, he just closed his eyes for a second and inhaled deeply. ''I'll introduce you to her if you help me find her.'' He said desperately. ''Please.'' He begged. I nodded in agreement and pulled my phone out of my pocket, I was going to play a game with him. I quickly texted (Y/N), explaining what I was planning to do. She immediately replied, agreeing with my plan. ''Did you find anything?'' John asked. I took a deep breath and gave him a sympathetic look. His facial expression changed from hopeful to horrified and I had to fight back a smile. ''I texted Mycroft but he doesn't want to help.'' I said, pretending to be upset. ''Did you go to her apartment yet?'' I asked. ''Yes and she wasn't there.'' ''Let's find her then!'' I exclaimed as I grabbed my coat and scarf. ''Sherlock you're half naked, get dressed first.'' I looked down and saw that John was right, I was still in my sweatpants and blue robe. ''Fine, I'll get dressed. In my bedroom. You wait here and do not come into the bedroom.'' I said as I rushed to the door. I opened the door slightly so John wouldn't be able to see inside and immediately closed it when I got inside. ''Having fun?'' She asked with a smile on your face. I pressed my finger against her lips to silence her. ''He won't hear us Sherlock.'' She managed to say, my finger in the way. She removed my finger from her face and pressed her lips against mine. What started as a sweet kiss quickly changed to a heated make out session. I ripped her shirt off and pushed her on top of my bed, both of us forgetting that John was in the room next to us. We were so consumed with each other that we didn't hear it when my bedroom door opened. ''WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING.'' John shouted. I quickly jumped up and tried to look casual. ''John I'm trying to get dressed here!'' I said. John looked at us with his mouth open and a very angry expression on his face. ''We can explain.'' (Y/N) said. ''I don't want to hear it! How long has this been going on?'' John yelled. (Y/N) quickly put her shirt back on and tried to calm her brother but it didn't work.

It took a while but finally we managed to convince John to sit down and let us explain. We were sitting in the living room, John in his old chair and (Y/N) and I in mine. ''John listen.'' I started. ''No I won't listen! I forbid you from seeing my sister again!'' He declared. Before anyone could say anything, John grabbed (Y/N) and dragged her out of my apartment. I tried to reason with him and so did (Y/N) but he wouldn't listen and now I was alone in my apartment. The woman I love taken away from me by my best friend.

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