Do You Believe Me Now?

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''BORED!'' I shouted, shooting the yellow smiley face on the wall. He had it coming, that stupid smile on that stupid round face. He was putting me off, just like Anderson always did.

The door opened and (Y/N) rushed in. ''SHERLOCK!'' She yelled. ''I told you not to shoot the walls anymore! It scares me.'' I shrugged and let myself fall into my leather chair. ''I'm bored, (Y/N).'' I sighed. She sat down in John's old chair and looked at me, a small smile tugging at her lips. I started deducing her, I had nothing else to do and I was desperate to get rid of this everlasting boredom. My eyes scanned her face, her posture, the way she was dressed today and her eyes. As soon as my eyes landed on hers, I realised. (Y/N) was in love with me.

My heart started beating faster, my breathing sped up and I felt this warm feeling spread in my stomach. How did I not see that before? I had been.... in love with (Y/N) for a long time now. I had never said it out loud. I had never even dared to admit it to myself, but realising that (Y/N) felt the way same about me changed everything. I never showed emotions, especially not sentiment. I never wanted to, but the feelings I had had been kept hidden for so long and I didn't know if I could keep them from anybody anymore. Why would I? I was positive that (Y/N) felt the same way about me. My deductions were rarely wrong, and this was definitely not one of those rare moments.

''Sherlock?'' (Y/N) interrupted my thoughts, an uncomfortable and worried look on her face. ''Hmm yes?'' I hummed. ''Are you okay? You were staring at me, it's a little creepy.'' She said, laughing uncomfortably. ''I'm fine. I was just deducing you.'' I replied honestly. Her cheeks turned red as she nervously fiddled with her fingers. ''Wh-What did you deduce?'' She stuttered. I smirked and sat up a little, positioning my hands beneath my chin. ''Not much.'' I replied. She nodded and relaxed a little. ''However, I did deduce your feelings towards me.'' I stated. Her eyes widened as she stared at me, cheeks heating up again. ''I uh—'' I interrupted her before she could go anywhere with that sentence. ''I love you too.'' I said softly. She looked confused and then started to tear up. ''That's not funny, Sherlock.'' She sniffed. She stood up and stormed out of the flat before I could do anything, leaving me alone and confused. I just admitted my feelings for her and she started crying. That's not how it works, right?


(Y/N) was sitting in the red armchair, reading a book. During the past few weeks, I had attempted to tell her how I felt multiple times, but she would just smile sadly and walk away. She didn't believe me. No matter how many times I said it, no matter how  I said it, she would never believe me. It was getting to a point where I had grown desperate to hear her repeat the words. I was desperate to get her to believe me, because I wasn't lying. I truly meant what I had said every single time.

I placed the tea cup in front of her and sat down in my chair again. ''(Y/N)?'' I said, attempting to get her attention. ''Please, Sherlock, not again. It's not funny at all. I know that you do this a lot and that it doesn't matter to you whether you hurt people or not, but it really does hurt me. You know that I have feelings for you and I know that you'll never return them. Please, just don't make it worse than it already is!'' She raised her voice, trying to make her point clear. She sounded sad, she was sad and that was probably all my fault. ''(Y/N), I love you!'' I repeated for the thousandth time that week. ''Sherlock! Stop it!'' She yelled. She jumped up from the chair, dropping her book on the floor. She started to shake slightly as she fought back tears. I stood up as well and stood in front of her. ''I am not lying.'' I whispered. She shook her head, a few tears making their way down her cheeks.

''You're a sociopath. You always say that sentiment is a chemical defect and that you would never be able to love—'' I cupped her face with both my hands and pressed my lips against hers, pouring all the emotions that I have felt lately into the kiss. She seemed a little taken aback and froze, but she eventually kissed me back, her arms wrapping around my neck as she deepened the kiss.

We pulled away at the same time, resting our foreheads against each other's. ''Do you believe me now?'' I whispered, panting slightly from the lack of oxygen a few seconds ago. ''Yes.'' She answered. I smiled widely as I leaned in for another kiss, which she happily returned.

After months of hiding my feelings and bottling them up deep inside of me, I finally let them out and kissed the woman I loved.

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