Children and Pets

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You have a girl named Delilah and she looks exactly like her father. She is currently 3 years old and loves experimenting on her toys and body parts that Sherlock provides her with. You and Sherlock do not always agree on how to raise your precious little girl but you love them both very much and you couldn't be any happier.


You don't have any pets. Sherlock doesn't like having animals in the apartment. He wouldn't even allow you to buy a goldfish.



You don't have any children. Mycroft is a very busy man and simply doesn't have the time to take care of children. You don't mind it though, you also have a busy job and even though you have a few days off every week, you don't want to raise the kid by yourself.


You still need a little bit of company when Mycroft isn't around. You have a golden retriever and his name is Russel. Mycroft chose the name because he thought that your names were stupid and he really likes the name Russel for a dog.



You have a little boy named Thomas. He doesn't look like his father at all, he does have the same eyes as Jim. He is 4 years old and loves watching cartoons and throwing stones at people. Jim tried to take him to his job once but immediately regretted that when you tracked them down and didn't speak to Jim for a week.


You have a black cat and her name is Sherlock. Jim insisted on that name despite the fact that the cat is a girl. Sometimes you get jealous of all the attention that Sherlock gets (the human and the cat) but Jim always makes up for it. You had a hamster once called Jason but your son threw it out of the window after it bit him.



You have tried many times but you never succeeded on having children. You considered adoption but eventually you decided not to go through with that. Greg does have a little girl with another woman who visits you two every weekend.


You have a ginger cat called Garfield. Greg's daughter named him after Greg bought her the cat for her birthday. Garfield absolutely hates Greg but adores you and always sleeps on top of your lap when Greg isn't around.



You have a boy called Henry (3 years old) and a girl called Stacie (5 years old). Your children rarely fight and look exactly like their father. Stacie wants to become a doctor just like her father and Henry wants to be a detective like uncle Sherlock. Sherlock visits you and John a lot and even babysat a few times when you and John were desperate for a night out.


You don't have any pets. You used to have a dog but he passed away after he got hit by a car. Three months later your daughter Stacie was born and you simply didn't have time for pets anymore.

A/N: Just to avoid any confusion these chapters are all separate. When I write a new chapter with children or pets then I will use these names but you won't see them in every chapter that I write. Thank you for reading and have a lovely day :)

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