One Last Time

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First of all, I would like to thank you all for 260K reads. I can't believe I managed to get this far. There aren't any words in the English language that can express how grateful I am for your support. Secondly, I, unfortunately, have to announce that updates are going to be slow for the next two weeks at least. I will try to upload as much as I can, but it won't be much. I'm terribly sorry to make everyone wait, especially the ones who requested something. I promise you that I'll get to them eventually.

I hope you enjoy this oneshot. It's not a request, but I have been feeling very down lately and felt like somehow incorporating that into my writing as a way of relief. Thank you for reading, my Loves. Enjoy the rest of your day and stay strong ♥


I stared at the ceiling as I listened to the constant beeping of the heart monitor that was connected to my pale body. The morphine pumping through my veins numbed the stinging pain in my chest, but the empty feeling didn't disappear. My brother was in the hallway talking to the best available doctors. Turning my head sideways, I could see the almost hidden distress on his face through the window of my small room. I realised it was too late. No one would be able to help me this time. I knew it was partially my fault. I never listened to the advice the doctors had been giving me ever since the day of the diagnosis. Everything they proposed I'd do, was completely against my life style and my values. I'd rather die soon than having to spent the rest of my lonely days sitting in this horrible hospital. I was a man of action. Chasing criminals, visiting crime scenes, solving murders. That was my life. And there was no way that I was going to give that up without a fight. But now, after merely six months, I had used every single bit of strength I had left in my body. My organs were on the verge of giving up and the only solution was being connected to countless machines every single day. For someone like me, that would be Hell itself. I couldn't live like that, not for a single day. And I was going to do everything I could to keep that from happening. However, I know my brother well. I know his intentions and also the emotions he tries so hard to hide. It was no mystery what he wanted to do, what he wanted to put me through. Although, I would never let him control my life. It belongs to me and me only. No one could lock me up against my will.

My glossy eyes kept staring at the intense conversation my brother was having with several doctors in the hallway. It was out of my reach to hear what they were saying, but I knew that if my brother lost control over his emotions, it couldn't be good. I saw him cover his face with his hands and I knew that for probably the first time in his life, Mycroft wasn't able to turn the situation around. He had lost the battle just as much as I had.

I turned my head back to the ceiling as I saw Mycroft approach the door of my room. A dull sounding squeak was audible as he opened it and shuffled in. ''How are you feeling?'' I heard him say. ''As good as a dying man possibly can,'' I retorted. 

I moved slightly and looked directly into his cloudy eyes. ''Tell me,'' I demanded. My brother seemed to be at loss for words, something I had never seen before. He collapsed into the chair next to my bed and buried his face in his hands, trying his hardest not to cry. With all my strength, I managed to move my numb hand and placed it on his knee. Comforting people wasn't something I have ever excelled at, but for my brother, I was willing to try anyways. 

He raised his head and looked at me with tears in his eyes. His behaviour was unlike anything I had ever seen from him and deep down, it began to scare me. ''I'm not giving up on you, Sherlock. I'll find the best doctor in the world to save you. I don't care at what price. You are not dying!'' His voice broke and a single tear escaped his tired eyes. ''Enough,'' I croaked out. ''You've done enough, Mycroft. We both know I don't have long anymore. Stop denying it and just accept it.''

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