Meeting The Parents

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A/N: Hi readers! I wanted to try something new so I wrote multiple short stories with several characters from Sherlock. I hope you enjoy them and let me know if you enjoy this or if you like it better when I write a long oneshot about one certain character. I'm also taking requests so if you would like to read something, let me know!


You were sitting in the cab with your fiancé on your way to your parents. They invited you over when you called them to give them the good news about your engagement. They were beyond excited but they hadn't met Sherlock yet. ''Sweetie I love you but could you please hold your deductions to yourself tonight?'' You asked. Sherlock pouted but nodded and you sighed in relief. ''Why?'' He asked after a while of silence. ''My parents are really strict. They can be really sweet once you get to know them but they have never liked anyone I brought with me to dinner.'' You explained. ''They will love me.'' Sherlock replied. He kissed you on your cheek as the cab pulled over. Sherlock got out and left you to pay the driver, as always. You made your way to the front door and Sherlock knocked. The door flew open and revealed your younger brother Jason. ''(Y/N)!'' He hugged you tightly and Sherlock introduced himself once he let go of you. Your brother seemed to like him and you felt a bit relieved. Sherlock grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him as you walked over to the kitchen so Sherlock could meet your parents. ''Hi mom and dad. This is my fiancé Sherlock.'' You said. Your mother and your father greeted Sherlock with a hand shake and then gestured that you sit down and eat. ''So you are the famous detective Sherlock Holmes.'' Your father asked. ''Dad.'' You warned, he always did this. He'd start to interview the person you brought with you and make them feel uncomfortable until they left you. ''It's fine (Y/N).'' Sherlock whispered and kissed you on your forehead. ''That's me.'' He said as he turned to look at your father. ''I've seen you on TV. You seem like a decent guy and I think you two make a lovely couple.'' Your father said with a smile. That was not what you expected at all but you were relieved. Your mother nodded in agreement and Sherlock took your hand in his underneath the table and gave you a reassuring squeeze.


''You seem nervous.'' Your boyfriend of two years pointed out. He always knew when something was bothering you. ''Tell me.'' Mycroft said softly. ''My parents hate me and we have never gotten along. It surprised me when they asked me to come to dinner.'' You answered. ''I'll be right here with you and if you're not comfortable we'll leave.'' He said. You nodded and raised your hand to knock on the door. The door opened and revealed your mother. ''Hello (Y/N). You look different, did you gain weight?'' She asked. You felt tears forming in your eyes but you blinked them away. ''Mrs. (Y/L/N). I would highly appreciate it if you didn't insult my girlfriend like that. She is your daughter and you haven't seen her once in the past 5 years.'' Mycroft said casually. You smiled at his words, you loved it when Mycroft got all protective over you. Your mother was shocked when Mycroft said that and didn't say anything else for the rest of the night. Your father seemed to enjoy Mycroft's deductions and the odd stories he had about his job. You and Mycroft were ready to leave and you gave your father one last hug before you left. Your mother was hiding in the kitchen and didn't bother to say goodbye to you but you didn't care. Mycroft had been the perfect boyfriend tonight as he always was and you couldn't be happier. You walked over to the car that was waiting for you and Mycroft and got inside. Mycroft pulled you on top of his lap and kissed you. ''That was fun.'' He said sarcastically. You chuckled and kissed your lovely boyfriend again.


''You're not going to tell them about your job right?'' You asked. Your husband Jim smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist. ''Why not? Parents love it when a psychopathic murderer dates their daughter.'' He replied. You laughed and wrapped your arms around his neck. ''My father used to be a cop and my mother used to be a lawyer. So please behave and don't kill anyone tonight.'' You begged. He stood up from the couch and lifted you up with him. ''I'm not making any promises.'' He put his hand on your back and guided you out of the apartment and into the car.


Your mother and father were sitting on the other side of the table and Jim was talking about how great you are. You couldn't help but blush slightly every time he said your name. He finally stopped rambling about you and gave your parents time to ask questions. ''So Jim what do you do for living?'' Your mother asked. ''I kill people.'' He said with a big smile. You almost choke on your food and start coughing. He moves his hand to your knees and squeezes them slightly. ''I'm just kidding Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N). I'm a lawyer.'' He lied. You nodded and finally stopped coughing. Your father seemed amused by his 'joke' and your mother was faking a smile. ''That's lovely dear.''


''You are excited about this dinner aren't you?'' Greg said sarcastically. ''I despise my mother and she feels the same about me. So yes I'm looking forward to this dinner.'' You said angrily. Greg laughed and that made you smile as well. ''It'll be fine (Y/N).'' He pulled you out of the cab and dragged you to the front door of your mother's apartment. You never met your father and you were okay with that. You didn't know why your mother invited you and you were about to say no when Greg took the phone out of your hand and told her that you would love to go. ''(Y/N) good to see you again! It's been so long.'' Your mother hugs you and you awkwardly pat her back. ''So this is the husband?'' She asked. ''Greg Lestrade, nice to meet you.'' Greg shakes your mother's hand. ''This may sound a little rude but you seem way older than (Y/N).'' Your mother pointed out with her typical bitchy voice. The age difference was only 9 years so it wasn't that much but your mother loved to insult you. ''I am older but I don't think that matters.'' Greg smiled and kissed you on your lips and then dragged you inside for a nice warm meal.


''Hurry up John!'' You shouted as you walked over to the house of your parents. ''Coming dear, I had to pay the cabbie first.'' He wrapped his arms around you and together you rang the bell. You were very excited to see your parents again after a long 2 years of not seeing them. They lived in Scotland and you lived in London with your boyfriend of 11 months. ''(Y/N)! John!'' Your father ran towards you and hugged you tightly. ''It's good to finally meet you John.'' Your mother said. ''He has been good to you right?'' Your father asked as he scanned John. You smiled and nodded. John grabbed your hand and followed your parents inside. Your father was the best at cooking and he had prepared a wonderful dinner for everyone. Your older sister was sitting at the table and smiled when you entered the kitchen. ''(Y/N)!'' She said cheerily as she hugged you and John. She also lived in London so you saw each other quite often and she already met John before. ''Good to see you again Miranda.'' John said as he hugged your sister back. Your parents guided you to the table and you sat down and John sat down next to you, never letting go of your hand.

Sherlock Imagines and PreferencesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon