Many Arguments

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Sherlock had been working on the same case for an entire week and he had paid zero attention to you. You knew that his cases were important to him and that he liked to stay focussed but he could at least say something to you! You had remained quiet and let him do his job for the entire week but you were sick of it and decided to confront him. ''Sherlock.'' You said, trying to get his attention. ''Sherlock.'' You said again, a little louder this time after not getting an answer. He remained quiet and kept his gaze fixed on the pictures that were on the wall. ''SHERLOCK!'' You shouted angrily. He finally turned around and sighed. ''What do you want, (Y/N)?'' He asked, an annoyed expression on his face. You felt your blood boil but managed to get the words out calmly. ''Could you take a break from the case and come have dinner with me? You have been ignoring me all week and I desperately want to spend some time with you.'' Sherlock turned back to face the wall and you groaned in frustration. ''Sherlock, you barely eat or sleep anymore, you constantly ignore me and I'm sick of it! Just take a break and take care of yourself!'' You yelled. Sherlock huffed loudly and stood up to face you. ''I'm busy, (Y/N)! This case is important and I have to solve it!'' He argued. ''And what about me?! Am I not important to you? I'm your girlfriend for god's sake!'' You yelled. ''NO! NO, YOU'RE NOT IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW!'' Sherlock instantly regretted the words after they had left his mouth. His angry expression changed to a guilty one as he saw tears well up in your eyes. You forgot your anger and it was replaced by sadness. You nodded slowly and looked at the floor. ''At least I know how you feel now.'' You said, your voice breaking as you spoke. ''(Y/N)—'' Sherlock began but you didn't allow him to finish. You grabbed your coat from the coat rack and ran outside, far away from 221B.


Mycroft often worked late but today was unacceptable. He left for work at 6 AM and he finally came home in the middle of the night. You were angry and sad because your husband was never home anymore and when he was, he'd be in his home office. You tried to sleep but you couldn't tonight. You kept thinking about one thing; divorce. A few silent tears rolled down your cheeks as you considered this possibility. You weren't happy anymore. Mycroft paid zero attention to you and you felt less confident every single day. You heard footsteps come closer to the bedroom and you knew that Mycroft was home. The bedroom door opened and your husband, who looked very tired, walked in. He quickly changed into some comfortable sleepwear and got into bed next to you. He didn't even look at you once.

You couldn't take it any longer. You sat up on the bed and turned the lights on. Mycroft groaned and buried his face in his red pillow. ''Mycroft, we need to talk.'' You said coldly. ''Can we do this later? I'm tired and I want to sleep.'' He protested. You tried to hold back your tears but a few of them escaped anyway. ''We're talking right now, Mycroft.'' You demanded. Your husband groaned and sat up, he saw the tears in your eyes and immediately felt annoyed instead of guilty, like he should be. ''Please, don't start crying! I really don't feel like staying up all night because you're feeling sad!'' Mycroft would have normally never said that to you, he was cleverer than that, but he was so tired from working all day that he didn't think his words through anymore. Your eyes widened and you felt your heart break into small pieces. ''You don't love me anymore, do you?'' You said, your voice soft and filled with the miserable sound of heartbreak. ''I'm too tired for this, (Y/N).'' He replied. Many tears started rolling down your cheeks but you wiped them all away. You refused to show this cold man any emotions. You got up from the bed and took a blanket with you. ''I'll sleep in the guest bedroom tonight.'' You announced. ''Don't do this, (Y/N).'' Mycroft sighed. You turned to face him and shot him a glare. ''Don't do what? Don't talk about how I feel?! Don't talk about how miserable I am and how much you've been neglecting me?!'' You shouted. ''My job is a very demanding one, I simply don't have time for you!'' Mycroft shouted back. Your lips formed a sad smile. ''I know. Your job is more important than I am. I'll leave you alone with your work then.'' You threw the blanket on the floor and grabbed a suitcase. You threw some clothes in it and rushed outside, not wanting to see him any longer.

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