This is our story

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We knew we were meant to be together forever.
We helped each other with all our problems.
Everything was perfect until that day we found our you were sick with cancer.
I knew from then that we had to be Strong.
Through all the tough time together like going to all those doctor appointment, cimo therapy sections and hospital visit.
I knew I couldn't live without you.
I asked you to marry me and you said yes.
So we got married that weekend.
I knew we didn't have that long together.
So we made every second count.
It was an amazing two years together.
I still remember what you said to me that day you pasted away.
You told me that if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have made it through those darkest hours.
You said I was your light and that you'll love me forever.
We shares one last kiss that I'll never forget.
I will alway remember you forever and that last kiss we shares together.

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