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I know I'm a screw-up!
I know that I'm not good enough to be around, but can't you see that I'm trying my best? Or is it all you see are my mistakes?

Why do you always yell at me when you don't get your way? Why is that I ask!?
Is it because you always have to control everything and everyone around you?

I try and I try to do my best to have things your way but no matter what I do right it is always wrong to you

Maybe I should just give up and let you take over, but then I might get told I do nothing!
"IS THAT FAIR"? So I just put up with it for now cause I know it can't last long you trying to control me.
But as for now, I'm the screw-up that can never get anything right

Thank you for all the voted and comments!
Hope you guys like all my poems/ "stories"

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