When I met you (Part 4)

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I let out a small hello.

"Hey, you okay Jenny?"

I let out a small sigh and nodded my head slowly. "Yeah, I'm feeling better. Thanks."

He grinned. "Yeah, problem."

We sat there in silence for a while and he seemed to be getting a bit uncomfortable. It seems to me that he had something to say, but couldn't exactly find the words.

"So," he broke the silence. I looked over at him in curiosity in what he had to say. He took a deep breath before continuing.

"While you were asleep, I stayed here and the nurse came in and out every once in while. She left her notes here and I got kinda bored. So I looked at them.. And I found something really interesting." He trailed off.

I was sort of confused. "And what was it?"

He hesitated but still continued. "You have the same last name as me."

My throat hitched and my breathing increased. All I did was nod, as if it was nothing. "A lot of people have the same last name, doesn't mean anything.." I added.

He nodded in agreement, but put his finger as a sign to wait.

"Yes, that's true," he sighed. He pulled a piece of paper that was in his back pocket out. He opened it and looked at it, chuckling slightly. "So I called my Dad, just out of humour to tell him about our same last name.

Well, he was a bit hesitant, Jenny. But I talked to him for a bit.. And well.. I think you could be my sister."

I felt like my heart was going to explode. I gulped down hard, and I couldn't breathe well. I was silent. I don't think I could believe him on something like this. I mean, it's so unrealistic. This whole thing is just giving me a headache.

"Jenny? Say something.." He broke the prolonged silence. I looked over at him, and I could see tears brimming his eyes. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Jeremy.. This is just all too much." I said quietly.

"I know it is, and I'm really sure that you are. My Dad was telling me how him and mom had twins. One of them had to be in an incubator for a while.. And well, we moved soon after for Dad's work. We never got in contact with the hospital, and that's what happened. It was this City. And from what dad told me, the other twin was a girl."

I nodded, still confused and overwhelmed by all of this.

"What if I was your sister? Then what?" I asked, very curious to know what would happen.

"Hopefully you would want to get to know that family, yeah?"

"Of course I would." I never knew my family, even the one that I lived with. They were always out working and it didn't really feel like a family. He seemed to slightly smile, which made me feel a bit better of the situation.

"Miss Bordeaux?" A short nurse with a clipboard in her hands opened the door and walked in. She had a small smile on her face. She walked over and placed a hand on my head. She grabbed my arms and checked the bruising that was healing nicely. She made some notes and walked out briefly, to walk back inside and tell me that I was free to go.

*half an hour later*

I was sitting in Jeremy's car while he was driving.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked.


"Wanna meet my father?" He seemed hesitant.

I nodded not thinking about what could go wrong. "Okay." I said lightly.

*half an hour later*

"Dad, meet Jenny Brodeaux." Jeremy's dad was wide eyed and speechless.

"Hi, how are you?" I said politely.

He still didn't speak. After about five minutes he did, smiling slightly.

"Hey Jenny, I'm great."


The night went on and I ended up having dinner with Jeremy and his Dad, Bill.

By the end, we were all sitting around the table, laughing like idiots.

"Well that was great, Jeremy! Thanks for inviting me." I said happily.

"Yeah no problem." He chuckled and glanced at his father.

"You know, you can stay for as long as you want." Jeremy's Dad told me.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Actually Jenny. There's something we want to talk to you about." Jeremy added.

I nodded slowly. "Okay, what about?"

"Well, Dad and I discussed this when we were on the phone earlier today. And we would really like it if you were to stay with us. I mean, we all know you're a part of this family as much us the rest, so yeah. What do you think?"

I was immensely happy. "I would love that."

The rest of the night was smiles and happiness. I couldn't be any more happy. I love this. I really felt I was part of the family.

Finally I belong somewhere.

ThoughtsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon